I was running Radio (7.4.0/R7790) and Server (7.4.0/R28672) which was
operating *generally* reliably until I set my XP server to sleep to save
power (and $$).  I don't use the mysqueezebox.com.  7.4.0 on the Radio did
not wake up the server reliably when my alarm was set.  Determined 7.4.0
Radio firmware did not support Wake on LAN (WOL, Magic Packet) capability,
so I moved to 7.5.1.    

Not only did 7.5.1 immediately fix the WOL issue, the screens and menus on
the radio are much more responsive, and the (new?) expanded artwork
resolution option (default) helps a lot.  It also seems that synchronization
is more consistent (did not check to see if Logitech messed with this since

Good job all!

The WOL feature sends a wake packet to the server five minutes before an
alarm; I set the Server to sleep after ten minutes of inactivity.  As is
usually the case with WOL, the server kept waking up from misc. packet
activity until I configured the NIC to only wake on Magic Packet.  But I now
have to use a small WOL application on my laptop (from www.depicus.com) to
use the Web interface; but that is OK.  

Current Firmware:

Hostname: server
Version: 7.5.1 - r30836 @ Tue Jun 1 06:02:45 PDT 2010
Operating system: Windows XP - EN - cp1252

Player Model: Squeezebox Radio
Firmware: 7.5.1-r8837


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