
in short: I have a small problem with playing files including special
characters and/or umlauts in the path, but only when browsing via
"Music Folder" on an nfs share:

If I browse to a folder and want to play a single file, the SBR refuses
to play and shows an empty play list. 

Everything (!) else seems to work fine, f.e. playing the whole folder,
playing the file when browsing by album/artist/... or searching the
file, adding the file via SBS web interface, playing the m3u playlist
from the folder and so on.

It's only the "browse to a file and hit the big shuffle button to play
it immediately" function that seems to be broken. And to make things
more interesting: The music folder I configured in SBS holds two mount
points: An nfs share from a NAS server (ReadyNAS Duo) where the problem
occurs and a cifs share from a Windows 2003 server from where the files
containing umlauts in the path play just fine.

When searching the forum for this problem I found a duet user with the
same issue:


Is there any log file, I could examine on the radio to further
investigate this?

Some more information about my setup:

SBS runs on an ubuntu 10.04 LTS. The environment, the SBS (version
7.5.1 - r30836) and the NAS server are all configured to use UTF-8
charset. The nfs share is mounted wit nfs v3, the SB Radio has Firmware
7.5.1-r9009 installed.

jeas's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=785
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=81547

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