Having some SB Radio problems to do with  rebuffering that I though were
to do with a low-ish wireless signal at one end of the house.....

So I tried connecting the SB to my LAN network (D-Link powered, and
installed in every room).  Can't get the Radio to collect a DHCP IP
address over the LAN.  Tried a couple of laptops in the same LAN socket
- no problems at all.

Any ideas for next steps?




SqueezeCenter Version: Version:  Version: 7.5.1 - r30836 (was: 7.5.0 -
r30464) under Win7 Home Premium 64-bit, #7600 (Was Vista). Music
Library on external USB HDD.
2 x SB3s, wireless. (Firmware 130 [was: 127] on both)
LinkSys WRT54GS Router, WPA2; or Sagem Livebox 2FR
Controller: 7.5.1-r9009 (was: 7.5.0-r8673)
SB Radio: 7.5.1-r9009 (was: 7.5.0 - r8673)
agbagb's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=7034
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=82027

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