My wireless routers that are on a different subnet from the wired leg of
the LAN also have a stronger signal than the wireless routers in Access
Point (AP) mode - Have no idea why. But I also have multiple wireless
routers, so while it's a slight drop in signal strength, it's not
enough to impact performance.

I actually have 4 wireless routers, in 2 pairs, with one pair on each
end of the house. 

The two "Open" routers are each on separate subnets - ie - If the wired
router is, then the 2 "Open" wireless routers are and The SB Radio will not connect/re-connect
to this leg of the LAN.

The 2 "Secure" AP's are on the wired subnet of and have IP
addresses of and The SB Radio
connects/re-conects fine to this leg of the LAN.

I am using all Belkin 8230 Pre-N routers - They have the best
Squeezebox  through-put of any router that I have tried, including the
new full N routers. They are discontinued, but I got them new from this
eBay seller for $49 each, all in:

I also just helped a friend with his new Squeezebox system and used 3
of these routers (one primary and two in AP mode). He had an
electrician pull ethernet cable from his family room where the main
router resides to each end of his house, and we put an AP on each of
the ethernet runs - works great. He wanted his laptop to be able to
access files on his desktop PC on the wired segment, so we used the AP
mode method and added WPA wireless security to the whole thing. It's a
sprawling house, but he gets great coverage everywhere.

If you are concerned about signal strength, this would be a fairly
inexpensive option for you.

If your thoughts about the Radio not being able to find the server on
the wired leg of the network are correct, then it may work with the
Radio set up with a fixed IP address - I know it's possible, but would
have to look around to see how.

If you just have one wireless router, then a fixed IP address might
work OK and let the Radio find the SB Server in either AP mode on on a
separate subnet router - and if you end up with multiple wireless
routers, the Radio would be able to switch to the stronger signal as
long as the wireless routers are set up as AP's, since the fixed IP
address would be in the same subnet as the wired router (and also the
Squeexebox Server). However, if you have two wireless routers set up
with subnets that are different from the wired leg of the LAN, then by
definition, the fixed IP address Radio would not be able to
automatically switch to an address on another subnet, since it is
locked into the one you defined. The Radio would also display the kinds
of problems we are talking about in the different subnet set-up.
Additionally, with a fixed IP address, if you take your SB Radio
somewhere else, you won't be able to  connect like the Radio is
supposed to do.

In my opinion, if you have (or can get) wired ethernet to 2 places in
your house that would provide full coverage, the multiple AP route is
the way to go and the Belkin 8230 routers would do a surprisingly good

If also having open "hot spot" capability is important, then you would
need to add one or more different subnet routers for that capability.

Hope this helps - I can tell you that my coverage is great all thru a
house that is about 3,900 sq ft, on both the "Open" and "Secured"
segments of the LAN.

Let me know how it goes, 


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