I think I've figured it out.  My router is a Belkin N+ (F5D8235-4 v1000)
and last week I upgraded the firmware from 1.01.26 to 1.01.28.  The
reason I upgraded is the router only shows clients connected via LAN
and doesn't show clients connected via WLAN.  I thought the new
firmware might fix this but it didn't. 

After remembering I'd upgraded the firmware, I pulled out my Hawking
wireless extender I bought to provide better reception in the garage. 
I stopped using it because any change made to the router and I had to
run the setup on the device all over again, it was just a pain.  

I setup the extender and connected the two radios to it.  They both
have been playing rock solid for over an hour now without dropping.
It's odd how the firmware change on the router would affect only these

It's late now, but tomorrow I'll upgrade back to SBS 7.5.3 and
hopefully the radios will play all night like they have been for the
last hour+. I'll post back with the results, but I feel fairly
confident the router is the issue. I'll know more tomorrow night. 

Thanks for all the suggestions and help offered thus far.

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