rbz5416;643182 Wrote: 
> Thanks for the reply & I realise how time-consuming this must be. But
> it's kind of a catch 22 - if the plugins were better documented then I
> dare say more would use them & in turn, hopefully donate towards your
> efforts.
Yes, but there are still going to be too few donations to make it worth
the effort for me personally.

rbz5416;643182 Wrote: 
> I assumed that Sue was referring to Information Screen so that's where
> I went looking. It would never have occurred to me to look at Custom
> Clock because I don't want a clock!
Yes I know, the name is confusing, it started as a clock applet and
then I realize it could do a lot more and it gets complicated to change
the name after it's already known.

rbz5416;643182 Wrote: 
> The Wiki for Clock Helper talks about creating text fields but when I
> go to the settings for the plugin, I'm just offered what appears to be
> a skin creation option. Maybe you could prompt some of the testers to
> document the screens they've created?
If you like a text only style, with no graphics or VU meters, suspect
you could start with the "Digital Clock - radio" and change its name
and change all tree "timetext" items to "tracktext" or
"trackplayingtext" items. Then configure one of the items to show
"ARTIST", another to show "ALBUM" and the third to show "TITLE".

If you want the VU meter style, you might just need to create some new
items of type "tracktext" or "trackplayingtext" in that style. It's
probably a good idea that you change the name also to make sure you
have a customized version.

To create a new item:
1. Select the style you want to change
2. In the "Items" list box select "New item..."
3. Select the type in the "itemtype" list box
4. Click "Apply", this will refresh the available parameters based on
the selected item type.
5. Specify the other parameters
6. Click "Apply" when you are finished

If you have selected the style on the Radio, you will see it update on
the Radio screen every time you click Apply. Just not that if you
change the style name, you need to reselect the style on the Radio with
the new name.

rbz5416;643182 Wrote: 
> Would it be possible to incorporate a preview to save having to exit
> all the way back to the real Now Playing & then drill all the way down
> back into the menus to make another change?
I'll consider it for a future release but it's not a priority in the
near future for me. I'd personally both have a preview icon directly
beside the style name and preview the style full screen when I select


Erland Isaksson ('My homepage' (http://erland.isaksson.info))
(Developer of 'many plugins/applets'
(http://wiki.slimdevices.com/index.php/User:Erland). If my answer
helped you and you like to encourage future presence on this forum
and/or third party plugin/applet development, 'donations are always
appreciated' (http://erland.isaksson.info/donate))
erland's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=3124
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=89006

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