You can't stream a free spotify account on your SBR, must be a premium user.


On Saturday, July 30, 2011, ejnj <> wrote:
> I followed the directions (see below) to stream my new free Spotify
> account to my Squeezebox. I am not having success following this last
> part of these instructions- my radio cant find it.
> ".....Now, you just need to tune in your stream from your Squeeze
> Centre web control panel, in effect creating the bridge between Squeeze
> Centre and Spotify.
> Do this by entering your Squeeze Centre address into the address bar
> (mine is
> Locate Internet Radio / Tune In URL on the web interface and enter the
> address of the PC running Spotify. In my case it was
> Can someone break down for me how to find my computer IP (VIA the
> Squeezebox)? Clearly I am doing something wrong.
> ****************************************************************
> Playing Spotify through Squeezebox
> Posted in Off Topic about 1 years ago by Nick Kewney - Comments (0)
> Spotify is a peer-to-peer music streaming allowing users to listen to
> specific tracks or albums on-demand.
> Despite launching clients for Android, Symbian and iPhone OS, an
> officially supported Squeezebox Server (formerely SqueezeCentre) client
> for Spotify hasn’t yet been unveiled. Until somebody gets their Perl
> boots on and creates one, I’ve created a short tutorial demonstrating
> how to stream audio from Spotify on your PC to your Squeezeboxes. It
> works by utilising DirectSound Bridge, a small wrapper which exposes
> the playing stream as an MP3, which can be received by your
> Squeezebox.
> It really is pretty simple. To start, you’ll need to download two files
> to your PC:
> * The Lame MP3 Encoder
> * DirectSound Bridge
> Next, you'll need to:
> 1. Close the Spotify application if it is currently running. On
> Windows 7, you might have to launch the Task Manager and end the
> process.
> 2. Open the Lame MP3 Encoder archive you just downloaded and locate
> the file “lame_enc.dll” and copy it to the Spotify directory on your
> local PC (e.g. C:\Program Files\Spotify)
> 3. Open the DSBridge archive and copy “DSound.dll” and
> “DSBridge.ini” to your the same folder.
> Open Spotify as normal and start a track playing. It’s best you turn
> the volume down as your PC will only be used as a controller for
> streaming to your Squeezeboxes. You might notice a new icon in your
> system tray. It’ll be blue when idle and green when streaming music.
> You’re done. Now, you just need to tune in your stream from your
> Squeeze Centre web control panel, in effect creating the bridge between
> Squeeze Centre and Spotify.
> Do this by entering your Squeeze Centre address into the address bar
> (mine is
> Locate Internet Radio / Tune In URL on the web interface and enter the
> address of the PC running Spotify. In my case it was
> Tip: If you don’t know the address, go to your PC and press WINDOWS+R,
> type CMD and enter which will display a command prompt window. Now
> enter ipconfig and press enter again. The IP address will be displayed.
> --
> ejnj
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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