Hello from Bloomberg!

Please accept my apologies for any frustration we may have caused with
the changes we made recently to the Windows Media streams for Bloomberg
Radio and TV.  What's going on is that we've been in a year-long process
of upgrading our web audio and video streams to higher quality formats
(both Flash and HTML5, with higher bit rates, adaptive bit rate
support, mobile support, etc.).

At some point, it was time to decommission the old infrastructure, so
we did that.  Unfortunately, we were unaware of the usage by (and don't
have any syndication deal with) the Squeezebox folks.

Our programming is still available at http://www.bloomberg.com/radio/
and we do hope you continue to tune in, but we also hope you understand
the goal of providing the highest audio and video quality...

If anyone here is from Logitech, I can put you in touch with our head
of syndication.

Andre Stechert

stechert's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=49786
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=90126

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