Here is the basic alarm set up for one person. You can set the alarm to
go off at the same time each day or at different times on  different
days of the week or not at all. The alarms are registered with your website account.

You can choose what happens when the alarm goes off depending on how
you use your radio. I use mine mainly for listen to streaming radio
from the internet using the server. Other people like
to listen to their own music collections using the Squeezebox Server on
their own computer system. You can choose the source of the alarm sound
depending on what you like. I have mine set to Vermont Public Radio,
there are also a variety of alarm type sounds available from You can also set the volume of the alarm sound.

When it is time for the alarm to sound, if there is power to the radio
the alarm will go off. If your radio has a connection to the server
where your choice of sound is, the sound that you have ordered will
play. If there is no connection to the server, dreadful Logitech disco
music will play. (In the bad old days it would play at full volume and
launch you straight out of bed. Users prevailed on the developers to
tone it down and now it plays at whatever volume you set for your
alarm. There are threads here that tell you how to hack the radio to
replace the disco music with a more congenial sound if you find that it
goes off to frequently for your taste.) 

If you purchase the radio battery pack, the "no connection to the
server" scenario will play out whether or not you have power at the
time of the alarm as long as you had contact with the server at some
point in the previous 24 hours so that it tells the radio to set the
alarm for that day.

To summarize: If you want a bullet proof alarm, buy the radio and the
battery pack as well. 

There have been many complaints over the years about the reliability of
the alarm, but my experience as a regular user is that it is now quite
reliable in terms of playing some sound to get you out of bed. But
whether it is the precise sound you want depends on the reliability of
your connection to whichever server you choose for the alarm sound.
(Most of the times that my alarm has failed to sound turned out to be
the result of user error so be careful when setting it. This is not
such a problem if you have a regular schedule, but if you set it each
night for a different time the following day sometimes inattention at a
late hour leads to mistakes.)

I hope this long winded explanation is helpful and does not discourage
you from buying the radio. I bought mine as an impulse buy when my 25
year old clock radio started to become unreliable and I have never
regretted it. I love it and now have the Touch as well. 

These gadgets are best used by people who have some patience with tech
objects, because there is a learning curve but it is worth it. So many
stations so little time! And if you get stuck, the folks on this forum
are incredibly helpful.

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