Yeah, I always recommend moving that Switch Library to the Home menu for
just such an issue.  When you select My Music it only looks for the LMS
it was last connected too, and apparently only "where" it was connected
too (i.e. the LMS IP address).

Whereas Switch Library looks for any/all LMS servers and might do a bit
more involved search/discovery for LMS.  A wild guess on my part is that
in some instances LMS may have been assigned a new/different IP than the
last time the player connected to LMS, now the player is confused and
cannot find LMS because it is looking for the wrong IP?

The problem compounds itself because the Switch Library menu item is
within the My Music menus, but these menus are absent unless you are
connected to LMS (which you are not because the player can't find LMS).
So now you are left with only the option to connect to an LMS instance
which the player cannot find.  Kind of a software loop that leads
nowhere.  ;)

IMHO they should place another instance of the Switch Library menu item
elsewhere within the menus that does NOT require a connection to LMS to
access.  Maybe in Networking?

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