garym;682103 Wrote: 
> I doubt this is a problem with your overall issue, but it is not
> uncommon for HIDDEN SSIDs to cause problem for SB players.  You may
> already know this as well, but hiding SSID can cause connection
> problems in some cases but provides ZERO security. The SSID is not
> really hidden in even a simple way (netstumbler, vistumbler, etc. sees
> all wifi networks in range whether "hidden" or not.
> Sorry, I don't have an older SB player to test. Oldest I have is an
> SB3.

I don't think it is a problem with hidden SSID, although I admit that
I'm not sure that I tried the combination of unhidden SSID and open
connection. If I get a chance over the weekend, then I might try it,
but I'm sort of losing interest now I have a working solution.

I also understand that the security is all rather flimsy. My view is
that the more things I put in the way (hidden SSID, WEP encryption, MAC
filtering) just make it a little bit harder to get in unless you're
determined. I don't think any of our neighbours (or their offspring)
will be that determined.

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