bklaas wrote: 
> hi all-
> Before I say anything I want to thank Michael for his openness and
> candor on this thread. You rock Michael. But you should rename the
> thread to "New Not Squeezebox Radio" ;)
> It's been ages since I've posted here. I had to reset my password
> because it was 297 days old. When I left Logitech in June 2011 I had
> benevolent plans of doing 3rd party development, particularly on the
> Squeezeplay side, but it turned out I couldn't do it. The honest truth
> is because it was too painful after what I'd gone through with
> Squeezebox.
> The beginning of the end for Squeezebox happened in Fall 2009. We had
> released Squeezebox Radio after what I can only describe as a grueling
> march. It was the hardest I've ever worked on a tech project. I was
> willing to put in that effort because I believed very strongly in the
> squeezebox line, and that Radio was going to be the first product to
> really seriously put us on the map, with Touch soon to follow.
> Unbeknownst to all of us doing that work in the trenches though, there
> was a plan already in the works that summer to shut everything down, and
> poach everyone for work on what eventually became Logitech Revue, the
> Google TV boat anchor that Logitech over-invested in. 
> So, Radio gets released, and sure enough a month or so later we get
> called into a meeting and told that the Mountain View office was being
> closed. Squeezebox was going to be pushed over to another business unit
> along with some of the employees, but a very high percentage of the
> software team was being redirected to work on Google TV. After about 10
> days of being part of this GoogleTV team, the numbers started rolling in
> for Squeezebox Radio and it was selling far beyond expectations.
> Scrambling, they sent several of us back to working on Squeezebox. I was
> one of them, and was really relieved because from the get-go I didn't
> believe in Google TV (this doesn't make me Nostradamus; this was the
> general consensus of every engineer from the old Squeezebox team).
> However, it was difficult to imagine how things were going to move
> forward in the absence of people like Richard (squeezeplay/squeezeos
> architect), Tom (low level squeezeplay UI and monkey wrench programmer),
> and Caleb (acoustic genius), who stayed with GoogleTV. 
> But, as former SlimDevices CTO Dean liked to quote "the graveyards are
> full of people the world could not live without", so I thought hey,
> maybe we find a way to move things forward. Michael and Felix will fill
> in some gaps, Andy's still here, and maybe we'll get a quality hire or
> two.
> Sadly, we moved into a business unit that could not have been more the
> polar opposite of how we did things in Mountain View. Incredible
> politics and bureaucracy ruled there, and thus began the long trend
> downward for Squeezebox. I'm sure the paper pushers from that period
> would speak of how they "turned squeezebox around", but the principal
> reason the dollars went from red to black during that time was because
> of the market validation (with practically zero actual marketing, I
> might add) of Squeezebox Radio, and to a lesser extent Squeezebox Touch
> (still IMO the best Squeezebox ever, but more of a niche product
> compared to Radio; nevertheless, it also blew expectations out the
> window and they had to scramble to make more). In that time with that
> group, we brought to market exactly zero new hardware products. We'd
> work on something for months, then get it unceremoniously cancelled.
> Lather, rinse, repeat. Some of these products were clearly wrong turns.
> Others were clearly going to sell like crazy. Not one thing made it to
> the point of building a prototype. The only significant contribution
> from that 1.5-2 year period was the squeezebox mobile app, which Michael
> (and to a lesser extent, Felix and I) did a really nice job with. 
> After Squeezebox was wiped from the roadmap for about the Nth time in
> 2011, I got out. Logitech was why I got to work full-time on Squeezebox
> in the first place, but (for me) they'd destroyed everything that was
> there that made me want to be there in the first place. Worse (for me)
> yet, they didn't destroy it quickly, but slowly and painfully. As I
> would tell Steven (another ex-Squeezebox employee), "it's like they shot
> my dog but then made me live with it for two years. It's like, yes
> that's my dog, but EWW".
> After my departure, there was a brief light of hope when the
> almost-no-heartbeat Squeezebox product line was shifted to another
> business group, run mostly by the Ultimate Ears folks (headphone
> company, another Logitech acquisition). Squeezebox alive again?? Turns
> out, not so much.
> So, after almost exactly 3 years since Squeezebox Radio was released, we
> have the Ultimate Ears Smart Radio by Logitech (catchy, huh? good god).
> I view this product as:
> 1. First and foremost, a rebranding project and little more
> 2. UX changes to fit whatever the marketing department of the month
> thinks is important
> 3. An explicit severing of ties from the "legacy" squeezeboxes
> The product itself...man, it's so notable in how not notable it is.
> There isn't one new "wow" thing this has over the 3-year-old SB Radio.
> And it's hitting the market at US$179 MSRP. Ouch. Good luck with that,
> UE.
> I write all of this history here because, again for me, this is the
> final chapter where I can close the book. At times, working on
> squeezebox was the best job I ever had. It was certainly the one I was
> most passionate about. In the later stages, it became impossibly
> frustrating and untenable.
> I continue to extend good wishes to my past co-workers who are still
> doing their best to deliver innovative products. Maybe something good
> will eventually be released (because this isn't it). It just won't be a
> squeezebox.
> Squeezebox is dead, long live Squeezebox.
> cheers,
> #!/ben

Thank you Ben, and everyone else who helped make the best audio
entertainment system ever. You guys are legends. I wish you all the best
for the future in whatever you do.

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