OK I got my replacement Smart Radio but it's going back tomorrow with
replacement to the replacement to follow (unless some brighter person
than me has a fix).

My problems are various
1. The radio will not auto update on Factory Reset beyond firmware
2. Settings> Advanced> Software Update menu does not have a software
update option; just Cancel or Help
3. The Developer menu will not open (Settings> Home + FFWD) but a menu
item Settings> Advanced> Remote Login item is available which enables an
SSH connection
4. Opened "SetupFirmwareUpgradeMeta.lua" file but the "--
jiveMain:addItem(met... " line is already uncommented
5. baby_7.7.2_r9663 is visible in "Software Update" menu but fails to
install (it appears that the radio is searching for the file on the SR

Hold on... are you saying Logitech sent you a UE SR with 10.0.0 firmware, and the Software Update menu is offering 7.7.2? And with an Advanced/Remote Login menu out of the box? This totally doesn't make sense... If you go to Settings/Info, what exact version & revision number would you see? Could you please send me the device's MAC address (printed on the bottom sticker)?


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