The answer to your thread question is almost certainly yes.

Squeezebox as a product family was moved a few years ago to Ultimate
Ears (UE), the "cool" audio arm of Logitech acquired through
acquisition. About a year after UE took over Squeezebox they announce
the "Smart Radio", the same hardware as Squeezebox Radio but with a
different firmware that amongst other things explicitly severed
compatibility with any previous Squeezebox. This was a clear move by UE
to distance themselves from the "too complicated" Squeezebox and move to
a more mainstream user interface.

This product has been a failure. They alienated the core consumer by
providing a non-backwards compatible device, so they were relying on a
more-or-less completely new set of consumers to purchase the Smart
Radio. Those consumers did not show up.

Earlier this year they freed up the Smart Radio hardware to allow the
installation of Squeezebox firmware. There were at least a few threads
on the forum of people thinking Logitech might be re-embracing
Squeezebox. I chose to interpret it as something different: since no one
was buying the Smart Radio, they were trying to speed along the flushing
out of all stock of this device. Then they could wash their hands of it
for good and push all of their effort into Bluetooth speakers, which I
have to guess they are both selling a lot of and making great profit
margin on. It doesn't hurt that the software engineering effort is an
order of magnitude less.

An aside, I'm watching an NFL game the other day and a big section of
the game is "brought to you by Sonos". Ad space on an NFL broadcast is
very expensive, so it's crystal clear there's a market niche for what
Squeezebox was (and what Sonos continues to be), it's just that Logitech
has never been a company built to deliver such a thing. Logitech's core
business has been and always will be accessories, and good streaming
audio systems are more than that.

I'll keep rocking my squeezeboxes until they die of old age, but they
are dead to Logitech, including the failed Smart Radio. In fact, I think
they've all been dead to Logitech for quite some time, it just wasn't
public information.

Squeezebox is dead. Long live Squeezebox!

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