toby10 wrote: 
> No new apps are forthcoming for the discontinued Squeezebox line.  But
> you have several options.
> 1.  Can update your Squeezebox Radio to the UE Radio which has the
> iHeartRadio app.  Same hardware player just running different firmware
> (Squeezebox & UE).
> 2.  Find most any playable URL, cut & paste it into your Favorites on

It appears that option 2 no longer works. The URLs stopped working in
the past few days. The channel I tune to on my radio each weekday
morning did not work today. I just did a little testing, and found that
the other Clear Channel stations on my favorites list no longer work.
Then I found this thread. My gut tells me that Clear Channel changed
their system so that no streams are available outside their own app

As for option 1, that's a complete non-starter for me. While it would
fix this specific problem for now, it would cause far too many others
for the way I use my Squeezeboxes.

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