I've seen this modification to the battery connection on every UE Smart
Radio I have (4 or 5) but not on any of my standard (not limited
edition) Squeezebox Radios (7 maybe 8).

No doubt not relevant, but the original SBR's didn't ship with a
battery, you had to buy the accessory pack which was a battery and
remote control to get a battery for those

And that's exactly the reason why you'd see this little thingy on UE SR, but not SBR: to protect the battery from dis-charging or other issues after production, there was a small plastic flap you'd have to pull from the battery department after you un-boxed your UESR. That flap between the spring contacts would interrupt the battery's connection. So this little modification is a hardware switch to disconnect the battery from the Radio while shipping from the factory. There shouldn't be any harm ignoring it and plugging the battery right in to the main plug.

See page 6 in the manual:


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