After sooo many years - found a simple solution!!!

Have been using SqBx for more than 10 years or so.
Mainly as an internet radio - SqBx connected to WiFi box of my telecom
Nothing special.
Since 2, 3,4 years WiFi connection cutting out in an unpredictable
Well known problem.
WiFi broadcasts next door....

Restart SqBx to regain connection.
5 to 10 times a day.
Pain in the ......

Looking around on the internet, the forums, etc.
Spend hours, days to look for a solution that does not involve Linux,
server software, etc.

Finally found a SIMPLE remedy.
(OK - estetically it is not ideal - but it works)
Cover the top, the back and the 2 sides of the SqBx with alu foil.
Only the front is free.
That way one creates a Faraday case around the SqBx.
Shields the SqBx from interference by other WiFi boxes next door and
accross the street.
It works! Really.
Signal is OK (max).

Since yesterday evening my SqBx has been running non stop.
Now for 24 hours - no WiFi drops, nothing....
Just like old times!

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