Paul Webster wrote: 
> I just tried all of these
> They all redirect to https.
> So ... you will have to contact RMC and explain to them that their
> recent switch to only using https rather than using http and https has
> meant that people with old internet radio devices that cannot handle
> https are no longer able to listen.
> Your solution is around 50 Euro for a Raspberry Pi (with Ethernet
> preferred) plus SD card and Ethernet cable  - and around 2 hours of your
> time.

Merci Paul pour ces infos .
Je doute fort que RMC puisse faire quelque chose dans ce sens .
Pouvez-vous me donner plus d'infos sur Raspberry Pi ? Compte tenu de la
configuration de ma squeezebox radio , ça m'est difficile d'être en
Ethernet . Je suis connecté en WiFi 
Bien cordialement

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