Yes, but does it hurt? My understanding is that you are using a transformation tool anyway. Personally I would say that a lower level description is a perfect match for an FSM, which would also give you more freedom to implement the characterics of a higher level language. If the intermediate language is already at a fairly high level, anything derived from that probably soon faces the problem of the lowest common denominator.

There are decompilers available for CIL that typically generate C# code. As a start, one could look at them to see how they deal with the code generation.

I have not looked at Colm yet, but some time ago I played with txl. Txl seems to be more suitable for text based transformations. Working with CIL probably asks for implementing sequences of tree transformations at a binary level until you arrive at something that can easily be printed out as native source code.

This way one could easily support native looking C++, Lisp, or FORTRAN 77 (not really). CIL byte code is more or less language independent.

I would have a personal interest in this kind of low level stuff, so I could contribute more than usual.


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