Hello ragel-users !

I'm trying to build a C parser for IMAP (RFC3501), but since I'm a complete 
beginner at ragel *and* I want to do it the best way I can think of, I'm having 
a hard time ;-). Please tell me what you think of the approach I'm aiming for, 
if I'm a little heavy-handed or whatever…

So, I'm trying to split parts of the ABNF for IMAP in different ragel machines 
for easy reuse. I already have :
- abnf.rl that contains machine definitions for basic ABNF tokens (ALPHA, BIT, 
- rfc3501.rl which contains basic "common" things between what will become my 
different machines (tag, address, …),
- rfc3501_response.rl which contains stuff relating to server replies, 
(response, response_tagged, …)
- imap_parser.rl that is supposed to be in charge of parsing a server's 
response into my own "message" C structure. This is the only one I'm "write"ing 

My previous attempt was to copy/paste the whole ABNF from the RFC, convert it 
to ragel syntax and pray that it works. Luckily, it didn't, and since I ended 
up as the happy owner of a ragel state machine that has 3070 transitions and 
that I couldn't understand why it fails and where, I'm scaling back, and 
switching to divide-and-conquer (the only thing gained is that I can now look 
up a rule in my old file and integrate it pretty quickly after more thorough 

So, here's a list of the questions I have :

- I feel a little lost at the difference between a machine definition and a 
machine instantiation. It seems it works like C functions, definition = 
prototype and instantiation = actual function ? But even though they're 
different, you can attach actions to both of them. I understand that you can 
use definition to have a single place to tell ragel what actual syntax to parse 
(example from rfc3501_response, 'response_untagged = "tag SP resp_cond_state 
CRLF";'). But I can't use instantiations from one of my including files.

- What does "main := |* stuff *|" mean ? I haven't been able to grasp what 
ragel does with it, I've seen no explanation in the user guide, and quite a few 
examples I found use that. In fact, I was thinking it was part of the 
instantiation syntax until I found examples that weren't using that (like 

Etienne Samson

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