
I can't reproduce this case:

$ ./ragel-6.8/ragel/ragel -v
Ragel State Machine Compiler version 6.8 Feb 2013
Copyright (c) 2001-2009 by Adrian Thurston
$ ./ragel-6.8/ragel/ragel -Z -G2 main.rl
$ go version
go version go1.1.2 linux/amd64
$ go run main.go
DGT: 1
DGT: 2
DGT: 3
DEC: .
DGT: 4
DGT: 5
DGT: 6
SGN: +
EXP: 7
EXP: 8
EXP: 9

It seems you use ragel 6.7 or older.

On Tue, Oct 22, 2013 at 6:44 PM, Guido Witmond <gu...@witmond.nl> wrote:

> Hi,
> Thanks for developing Ragel.
> Being new, I tried the example from the user manual.
> It runs in C but it breaks in Go.
> I've run: ragel -Z -G2 main.rl && go run main.go
> Results are:
> # command-line-arguments
> ./main.go:66: goto tr0 jumps into block starting at ./main.go:39
> ./main.go:71: goto tr3 jumps into block starting at ./main.go:48
> ./main.go:72: goto st0 jumps into block starting at ./main.go:48
> ... too many errors.
> It happens in a backported go-1.1.2 from Sid to Wheezy, 64bit
> and in go-1.02 on ubuntu 12.04 on 32bits.
> I've run the same program in C: number.rl
>    ragel number.rl && gcc number.c && ./a.out "123.456e+789"
> DGT: 1
> DGT: 2
> DGT: 3
> DEC: .
> enz...
> Is this a known problem? Do I (newbie) do something wrong?
> Regards, Guido.
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WBR, Anton
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