Hi Jan,

Apparently, on Android ARM char is unsigned. Ragel assumes it is signed on all architectures. What's needed is a configure check and the appropriate information to make it into the descriptors in common.cc.

A few others have encountered this bug lately.

I'm currently pretty busy with Ragel 7, as soon as that's done I'm going to sweep for the various bugs that have been reported.


On 13-09-18 10:05 AM, Jan Kundrát wrote:
Hi Adrian,
I'm using Ragel for parsing of e-mail headers as per RFC5322. When
porting this project to ARM (MeeGo Harmattan, Nokia N9), I've noticed
that it fails to build after I enable C++11 features using clang 3.3.
Here is the error message:

error: constant expression evaluates to -128 which cannot be narrowed to
type 'char' [-Wc++11-narrowing]
39, 42, 127, 10, 9, 32, -128, -1, ^~~~
note: override this message by inserting an explicit cast
39, 42, 127, 10, 9, 32, -128, -1, ^~~~
static_cast<char>( )

So the problem is that the signedness rules for the host (machine
running ragel producing the .cpp file with parser) and target (the
target platform of the C++ compiler which is producing Ragel's output)
do not match. That's a big problem, and it isn't limited just to chars,
actually -- because Ragel's code uses platform's native types instead of
the portable ones, there's no guarantee that ragel's int can fit the
data of the target's size, etc. I've solved this by patching ragel to
use C's int<num>_t types, please see the commit at [1]. That patch fixes
my problem.

In addition, before I realized that I'm actually looking for the ragel-6
branch, I spent some time playing with master before I finding out that
it's some kind of a rewrite. The same bug applies there as well. Before
I was able to get the master branch to build on my system, I had to make
the following changes:

* Fixing a build failure due to a bug in colm's headers [2]. I see
you're upstream for that project, too, perhaps you can fix it in there
as well.

* Making sure that version.h is generated [3].

After that, I simply added a rule to always treat chars as signed [4].
That's arguably a wrong change; the code shall probably do the same
thing as [1]. I don't have time for this now.

And finally, when I tried the patched master, I found out that my ragel
parser won't compile anymore -- please see the file at [5]. The error
message I get is that it cannot find the "CRLF" symbol which is defined
in the included .rl file [6]. That looks like a regression in the rewrite.

Thanks for a cool software -- I hope these patches are OK and that
you'll merge them.








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