as it turns out, the !! operator (list !! k is more or less the same  
as list[k]) takes a machine integer, which 354224848179261915075 is  
not by some margin even in 64-bit world. The index was wrapping round  
into a negative number, which !! quite rightly got narky about.

still, it's not beyond the realms of possibility that you might want  
to access an element of a list which is longer than that. Let's call  
it !!! - it's like !!, but even more emphatic.

(!!!) :: (Integral i) => [b] -> i -> b
list !!! n = head . snd $ genericSplitAt n list

and with that addition, Hubris will happily fill all of memory with an  
infeasibly large number. I hope you're happy, you sneaky bastards.

that URL again is, don't delay,  
download now (but remember to use ghc 6.12 RC2 or the latest ghc HEAD  
sources from darcs for you Mac users. 0-day lambdawarez, people, get  
'em while they're purely functional.)

at the forefront of fibonacci research (yes i know there's a closed  
form shuttup)


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