Hi Rails Community,

Thanks for all of your responses. It's great to see a vibrant
community! Must head down to one of your local meets.

I actually have done what Ben and Nathan have suggested => That is
hidden fields on a confirmation page which is posted again.

I think perhaps my original question may have been somewhat vague.

In the end I went with the crap solution of  just calling the
before_filter require_user method manually at the start of the create
method. I couldn't see any other way to call the logic of the Create
method without re-posting other than by calling Create from the
Confirm action handler.
I also couldn't see how I could have 2 buttons on a page that would
point to 2 different action handlers without javascript and still be
DRY. Thus the need to have a confirmation controller that would allow
the user to confirm what they were doing and to go back nicely as

Unfortunately by calling the Create method manually from Confirm
bypasses the before_filter :require_user, and I wanted to see whether
there was an elegant solution such that the before_filter would not be

I think rails should apply the before_filter for all invocations of a
method inside a Controller - (including being called from within
another method) not just when it is called via the normal means of
handling a routing request.

With some of the other points mentioned, unfortunately I still have to
support non-js browsers - I agree that this confirmation should be a
completely client side job, but that is difficult without JS.

I was really against REST when I first found out about it, but then I
changed my mind  when I came to design, I found it really helps focus
you on some actions that are either unneccesary or alerts you to some
that actually you have completely missed out - it's like a checklist
almost to make sure you have covered all scenarios... just the
before_filters and after_filters are a pain!

The universal API thing is just a bonus for me.

- Chris

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