On 03/09/2010, at 6:04 PM, Ben Hoskings wrote:
On 03/09/2010, at 11:52 AM, Korny Sietsma <ko...@sietsma.com> wrote:
for 95% of tasks, imagemagick is overkill. But that doesn't make it an inherently bad tool, just the wrong tool for the job.

I agree, but that's not the problem - it's the fact that it leaks significant memory. That makes it a bad implementation IMO--because of that issue alone, I wouldn't use rmagick.

(With the qualification that I haven't used it in a fair while; maybe it's been fixed since then.)

While I cant vouch for it, I know that memory leaks was number one on Tim Hunter's priorities, and he claimed to have produced a release that was, barring programmer stupidity, basically free of leaks. In order to get around the issues with the Ruby GC not being able to see the image memory, he even provided a method to release the memory for an image. Now while manual release isn't exactly a 21st century way of going about things, it actually isn't a problem with significant objects like images. G*d forbid we have to remember to release every temporary string and array, but
for images... not a problem.

That said, any kind of image manipulation is going to use memory in substantial sized hunks, and the fragmentation from that is going to be more severe. Live with that, or
farm your image work out to sub-processes with a shorter life.

Clifford Heath.

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