On 27/11/2010, at 11:19 PM, Robert Postill wrote:
You know that rubygems

Rubygems is dual-licensed, GPL and a custom license.

and I think ruby's SSL are GPL code right?

OpenSSL is dual-licensed: <http://www.openssl.org/source/license.html>.
Ruby's OpenSSL wrapper is licensed under the Ruby license.

We depend on massive wedges of GPL software (e.g. mysql or

MySQL is dual-licensed, and even the GPL license they use is modified
so as to remove the GPL restrictions for its use in FOSS.

Postgres is released under its own license, similar to BSD or MIT.

I' a grumpy man about this stuff because I'm old enough to remember

I'm a grumpy old man about this stuff because people spout off about it
without checking their facts :).

the (end, definitely the end of :) bad old days of proprietary UNIX
and how we lost so much software because we didn't understand the
value of freedom.

Most of the original UNIX code wasn't that good(*), and anything worthwhile from it has been rewritten much better than original. That needs to happen
to all software, at least once. It's a net gain, not a loss.

(*) I ported and extended AT&T Unix, and used to spend hours reading
the source. The culture of handling and reporting errors is woeful, with
so many error conditions simply ignored, or under-reported. "No such
file or directory" indeed. Well - which is it, a file, or a directory? How 'bout
you tell me *which* file of directory you were expecting? Humbug. This
poor culture continues today, unfortunately.

MIT is an awesome license but people can and should
chose other licenses for their software.

I don't agree with that. GPL had its place, but software freedom is firmly
established now and copyleft is just not needed - in fact it's counter-

Clifford Heath (the first Unix geek graduate in Melbourne).

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