MVC is certainly a nice pattern. In Rails I feel that sometimes (but
not always) it is treated as the only
pattern. It is not a whole application architecture pattern, which is
one of the reasons that prompted
this discussion. Rails draws no distinction between a Domain Model and
an Entity Model and they are not
always the same thing.

I think Dan C. said it well/nicely (along with some other poignant

>>You can still use POROs (to borrow a Java term) in your Model tier if that's 
>>the best fit for it - don't shoehorn logic into
>>a persistent object if it doesn't really belong there.

The advice on using mixins/traits/aspect/concerns is good way to
achieve the separation but still fit
within the Rails pattern.

Has anyone tried an approach that is outside of putting Business Logic
in a Persistent Model derived from ActiveRecord?

Rgs, James.

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