I want to automate the monitoring of things like online jobs boards,
to help me jump on new jobs when they came up.

Anybody here know of a good solution that would let me do the following?

* Monitor websites (job boards with no RSS), content on Twitter, RSS
feeds (job board RSS) and an email inbox (jobs related mailing lists)
for any new content
* If new content matches certain key words or search phrases I define,
notify me about it, preferably by email.

I imagine some sort of marketing campaign monitoring software, or
social network marketing tracking software would do this sort of
thing, but I don't have much experience with those sorts of systems.

I can imagine rigging together a system for myself by feeding RSS
feeds into an RSS/email gateway, pointed at a gmail account that can
filter and forward to me via a set of gmail filters, but it feels a
bit hackish/naive/ghetto and I don't want to set it all up if there's
a better way.

Gregory McIntyre

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