Hi All,

I know there is a fair bit of Thinking Sphinx wisdom in this group and I was 
hoping to get some help on an inflection issue I am seeing using Thinking 
Sphinx Delayed Delta.

What is happening is that when a Product in our system goes out of stock a 
delayed job task is written with the following:

--- !ruby/object:ThinkingSphinx::Deltas::FlagAsDeletedJob 
document_id: 80380
- product_core

That YAML is deserialized with an array called indexes. 
ThinkingSphinx::Deltas::FlagAsDeletedJob unfortunately is looking for indices, 
the long and the short of which is that it results in:

NoMethodError: undefined method `each' for nil:NilClass

when the flagAsDeletedJob starts to iterate through the indices.

Anyone have any ideas how I can either get the indexes to serialize as indices 
or vice-versa


Adam Boas

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