Thanks to everyone two attended, here are the notes from the meet:

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  * Thanks to Inspire9 for the awesome venue!
  * Thanks to Envato for filling us with delicious pizza!
  * Thanks to ZenDesk for the tasty beverages!


Upcoming Events

  * Next Hack Night:  Tuesday October 8th
  * Ruby InstallFest: Tuesday October 15th 

  * RubyConf Australia tickets are on sale, call for proposals open.
  * New ruby preview 2.1.0-preview1
  * Upcoming railscamp in Sydney November, tickets are gone
  * Railscamp in NewZealand for sale soon

  * The lovely ZenDesk is hiring, Ruby on Rails, JavaScript, Data Engineers
  * Envato is hiring DevOps
  * REA are hiring, Ruby developers (20 jobs available), anyone
  * Locomote, Ruby and Node developers, mid to senior,
  * William Boadle - - Looking for a technical 
startup cofounder for a social betting app. Will buy you coffee

Looking for work:
  * Sridhar Polavarapu 0411 079 744 Open for 
Ruby and Java Development

  * Pat Allan: A detailed introduction to RSpec
  * Glenn Gillen: Making a profit from open source
  * Sebastian Porto: Safe Testing and the Bogus gem

Talks Next Month:
  * Tim   - Capybara
  * Ben   - Ansible and config managment
  * Daryl - Migrating to Rails 4

On Sunday, September 22, 2013 8:32:46 PM UTC+10, Pat Allan wrote:
> Hi everyone 
> This Thursday the Melbourne Ruby meet returns, hosted yet again at 
> Inspire9. Our speakers are: 
> * Sebastian Porto: Safe Testing and the Bogus gem 
> * Glenn Gillen: Making a profit from open source 
> * Pat Allan: A detailed introduction to RSpec 
> WHEN:  Thursday 26th September, arrive around 6:00, kicking off 
> proceedings at 6:30pm, runs until 8:30-9pm or so. 
> WHERE: Inspire9, Level 1, 41-43 Stewart St (enter via the stairs in the 
> east alley, the lift is still being replaced) 
> WHAT:  Talks, socialising and various bits of chatter. 
> WHO:   Anyone who's interested in Ruby and finds themselves in Melbourne. 
> Clearly, the first two talks on that list are the exciting ones. We're 
> particularly appreciative of Glenn (normally based in SF) making time to 
> speak during his visit to Melbourne. It's a good mix of talks that should 
> have plenty to interest both the experienced Ruby devs and those new to 
> Ruby. 
> If you've not been to a Ruby meet before, please do feel welcome to join 
> us. These evenings are a great way to connect with Rubyists and 
> Ruby-curious in Melbourne, along with hearing about what's happening and 
> who's hiring. Plus, we'll have food and drinks courtesy of our sponsors 
> Envato and Zendesk to sweeten the deal. 
> For those who use 
> Our meeting last month was perhaps our largest yet - it was great to see 
> so many new faces in amongst the regulars. 
> Any questions, feel free to hassle myself or fellow 
> organiser/co-conspirator Mario. 
> Cheers 
> -- 
> Pat 

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