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  * Thanks to Inspire9 for the awesome venue!
  * Thanks to Envato for filling us with delicious pizza!
  * Thanks to ZenDesk for the tasty beverages!


Upcoming Events
  * Railscamp: Tomorrow, Friday 1st November in Sydney
  * Next Hack Night:     Tuesday November 12th
  * Ruby InstallFest:    Another one soon
  * RailsGirls:          15-16th November Melbourne

  * - Nothing at all apparently :O

  * CoinJar (Australia's #1 Bitcoin platform) - Rails developers of all 
levels in Melbourne - Asher <as...@coinjar.com>
  * Ferocia - Front end developer, contact gareth.towns...@ferocia.com.au
  * REA - Ruby developer careers.realestate.com.au
  * Looking for developers to join a digital news startup (Will buy you a 
coffee) - Xiao Han Drummond - xiaohan.drumm...@gmail.com

Looking for work:
  * Tiago - tiago....@gmail.com - Ruby work

  * Tim Moore:         Embracing Capybara
  * Daryl Moulder:     A guide to upgrading to rails 4
  * Leif Eriksen:      "This is it, this is the result", a talk on private 
gem servers
  * Dougal MacPherson: Padrino – what is it and why would you use it
  * Ivan Vanderbyl:    Continuously Deploying ALL THE THINGS

Talks Next Month:
  * Migrating away from Heroku to a local Australian host - Tom Spacek - 
  * Possibly you? Get in touch if you would like to speak.

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