Hi again,

I just noticed the absence of <wsse:Security
curity-secext-1.0.xsd" soapenv:mustUnderstand="true" /> in the SOAP
response Header. Any idea why this element is missing in the SOAP
response header? 

And why am I able to get back the correct SOAP response (minus the
security header)? Any help in this matter would be appreciated. Cheers.


>-----Original Message-----
>From: Sanjay Vivek [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
>Sent: 14 July 2008 12:31
>To: rampart-dev@ws.apache.org
>Subject: "Missing wsse:Security header in request" exception.
>Hi everyone,
>I've a rather curious situation whereby I'm getting a "Missing 
>wsse:Security header in request" exception when I invoke a 
>Rampart 1.4 enabled service with a client on Eclipse. 
>However, when I use TCPMON to intercept the SOAP request and 
>response messages, I see that I have the the right data in the 
>SOAP request message. I must have the client side configured 
>in the correct manner because I'm getting the right SOAP 
>request and response messages. Any idea why this is occuring? 
>The code for the client is given below for reference. Cheers.
>public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
>       ConfigurationContext ctx = ConfigurationContextFactory.
>createConfigurationContextFromFileSystem(confPath, null);
>               GrouperServiceStub stub = new
>               ServiceClient sc = stub._getServiceClient();
>               sc.engageModule("rampart");
>               sc.engageModule("addressing");
>               Options options = sc.getOptions();
>               options.setUserName("GrouperSystem");
>               options.setPassword("mypassword");
>               //load policy externally
>fPath + "/conf/policy.xml"));
>               //invoke the service
>            WsGetGroupsLiteResult wsGetGroupsLiteResult = 
>stub.getGroupsLite("v1_3_000", "[EMAIL PROTECTED]", "", "", 
>"All", "", "",
>"", "", "", "", "", "",                "", "");
>               //tells whether its an overall success
>               WsGroup[] results = wsGetGroupsLiteResult.getWsGroups();
>               if (results != null) {
>               for (WsGroup wsGroup : results) {
>               }
>               }
>       }
>       private static Policy loadPolicy(String xmlPath) throws 
>Exception {
>        StAXOMBuilder builder = new StAXOMBuilder(xmlPath);
>        return PolicyEngine.getPolicy(builder.getDocumentElement());
>    }
>Sanjay Vivek
>Web Analyst
>Middleware Team
>Newcastle University

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