Thu, Dec 13, 2018 at 07:55:29AM +0000, Wayne Eisenberg:
> Regarding some PowerConnect N2000/3000/4000 series switches, I am getting 
> "End of run not found" errors. If I use the smc type that is recommended in 
> the rancid.types.base file, I have the added pleasure of getting "missed 
> cmd(s): show version, dir, show vlan". Trying cisco as a type doesn't change 
> the 'end of run' error, although I don't miss any commands. Trying my 
> powerconnect type that I made earlier also results in 'end of run not found'.
> Running 'clogin -c"dir,show version,show running-config" switchname' works 
> perfectly and returns to the command prompt.
> How do I troubleshoot 'end of run not found'?

it means that it did not find the end of the config.  look at the raw
output and srancid -dl <hostname> for missed command matches.  I suspect
that it srancid is not recognizing the prompt due to mangled input or
unexpected characters in the prompt.

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