Fri, Oct 25, 2019 at 09:26:44AM -0700, reza:
> I’m using Mike32’s Aruba module which was recommended from the Shrubbery FTP, 
> When I run rancid in debug mode against one of my device it failed in “End of 
> run not found”. I manually logged in with clogin to the device and ran “write 
> term” and verified the last line is end. Which is was is expected on line 546 
> of the file, 
> I’m hoping someone else has had some luck with this module and can provide 
> some help.

I do not have any of these, but note the README in the github repo and
the existence of arubalogin in the older version in

maybe its hitting the pager.  look at the end of the site2-wc2.raw file
left by the -d in your test:

> rancid@rancid:~$ rancid -d -t aruba site2-wc2
> loadtype: device type aruba
> loadtype: found device type aruba at /etc/rancid/rancid.types.conf:115
> executing clogin -t 90 -c"no paging;show version;show master-redundancy;show 
> boot;show image version;dir;show interface transceivers;show 
> packet-capture;show inventory;show vlan;write term" site2-wc2
>     In aruba::inloop: PROMPT MATCH: \(site2-wc2\) >
> HIT COMMAND:(site2-wc2) >no paging
>     In RunCommand: (site2-wc2) >no paging
> HIT COMMAND:(site2-wc2) >show version
>     In aruba::ShowVersion: (site2-wc2) >show version
> HIT COMMAND:(site2-wc2) >show master-redundancy
>     In aruba::ShowMasterRedundancy: (site2-wc2) >show master-redundancy
> HIT COMMAND:(site2-wc2) >show boot
>     In aruba::ShowBoot: (site2-wc2) >show boot
> HIT COMMAND:(site2-wc2) >show image version
>     In aruba::ShowImageVersion: (site2-wc2) >show image version
> HIT COMMAND:(site2-wc2) >dir
>     In aruba::Dir: (site2-wc2) >dir
> HIT COMMAND:(site2-wc2) >show interface transceivers
>     In aruba::ShowInterfaceTransceivers: (site2-wc2) >show interface 
> transceivers
> HIT COMMAND:(site2-wc2) >show packet-capture
>     In aruba::ShowPacketCapture: (site2-wc2) >show packet-capture
> HIT COMMAND:(site2-wc2) >show inventory
>     In aruba::ShowInventory: (site2-wc2) >show inventory
> HIT COMMAND:(site2-wc2) >show vlan
>     In aruba::ShowVLAN: (site2-wc2) >show vlan
> HIT COMMAND:(site2-wc2) >write term
>     In aruba::WriteTerm: (site2-wc2) >write term
> site2-wc2: End of run not found
> site2-wc2: found_end is false
> !
> rancid@rancid:~$

> aruba;script;rancid -t aruba
> aruba;login;clogin
> aruba;module;aruba
> aruba;inloop;aruba::inloop
> aruba;command;aruba::RunCommand;no paging
> #aruba;command;aruba::RunCommand;encrypt disable
> aruba;command;aruba::ShowVersion;show version
> aruba;command;aruba::ShowMasterRedundancy;show master-redundancy
> aruba;command;aruba::ShowBoot;show boot
> aruba;command;aruba::ShowImageVersion;show image version
> aruba;command;aruba::Dir;dir
> aruba;command;aruba::ShowInterfaceTransceivers;show interface transceivers
> aruba;command;aruba::ShowPacketCapture;show packet-capture
> aruba;command;aruba::ShowInventory;show inventory
> aruba;command;aruba::ShowVLAN;show vlan
> aruba;command;aruba::WriteTerm;write term

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