assalaamu 'alaikum wr wb

yth Mamak2, Bundo, Uda2 dan Uni2 di RN
jika ada diantara kita yang menerima email semacam ini atau yang sejenisnya, tolong 
diabaikan dan jangan ditanggapi apalagi menelpon si pengirim. Karena ini adalah salah 
satu jenis kejahatan internasional (money laundering).

Hati-hati dengan cerita-cerita spt ini. Biasanya ini adalah modus dari mereka utk 
melakukan "pencucian uang" di negara lain (biasanya di negara yang regulasi ttg Money 
Launderingnya  masih lemah/belum ada). Tujuannya adalah "uang" tsb (yg berasal dari 
dunia hitam) mengalir dulu ke negara lain, lalu secepatnya ditarik kembali dengan 
status udah beda.

Jadi tolong jangan ditanggapi.


(Trust & Securities Services, Deutsche Bank AG Jakarta)

---------- Original Message ----------------------------------
From: Benoit Soglo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date:  Mon, 23 Feb 2004 11:50:45 +0100

>Dear business friend,,
>I am undergraduate of the University of Barcelonia in Spain, I am 28 years old and 
>Studying Micro-Biology in the above institution. I want to seek your assistance for a 
>very important and confidential matter as regards my future. 
>I am from a polygamous home, my father was a rich man, and I am the first son of my 
>father. My father married two wives my mum being the senior wife gave birth to only 
>me while my stepmother has five (5) children. 
>Unfortunately, June 2003, I lost my father , he died in ghastly motor accident in 
>Lome-Togo of West Africa , on his usual business trip. Due to this incident, there 
>has been problems in my home, my fathers family and his immediate relations, 
>Including my stepmother are all scrambling for my Dad's wealth.
>However,As i have just returned from Togo my country. My father being a wealthy man 
>before he pass away.I have being facing alot of problems with my step mother. 
>They don't anylonger have good mind to me, I cannot even stay with them any more. I 
>got hold of my father save and inside it I got a list of his assets and finances, but 
>the one of interest to me is a legacy left behind for me. In it, though dead now, he 
>signed me as his next of kin. He lodged money in a security company the sum of 
>US$8,5000,000 ( Eight million, five hundred thousand U.S. Dollars) which he left 
>strictly instructions that upon his death, the money should only be given to me when 
>I present a foreign investor.
>With regards to this, and my inexperience to money matters and an amount of this 
>magnitude . I am hereby seeking your assistance to help me receive and transfer this 
>money into your account in your country, where I shall finally come to live after my 
>graduation and the money to be successfully keep in your care.In all, I need your 
>trustworthy to assist me in not only taking this money out, but should be ready to 
>help me manage this money into any lucrative business of your choice wise.
>I want you to be my fund / investor. Or You will be compensate with the sum of 
>percentage of the total money which have to be negotiate and agree with both of us. 
>In respect of the above, if you are ready to assist me, I want for your respond for 
>further details necessary of claims.
>I wait for your human effort to assist me. 
>Yours faithfully,
>Benoit Soglo
> Tel:+34-645 669 940.
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