Title: Yahoo! Photos

Foto di Muzdalifah 2004

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Dunsanak RN, di Muzdalifah ko adolah tampek kito Mabit setelah wukuf di Arafah, disiko kami manunggu wakatu teng jam 00.00 baru basiansua bajalan kaki ka Mina labiah kurang sajam satangah.
(maaf mutu fotonyo kurang bagus, karano salah mengeset cameranyo, tidak dibuek nan Fine)


View Foto di Muzdalifah 2004

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If you can't see the button above, copy and paste this web address into your browser's web address bar: http://f1.pg.photos.yahoo.com/ph/mulyadiyuli/album?.tok=phD.tvABQCgWvpiS&.dir=/cbf9&.src="">

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