Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb.
Ambo forwardkan email dari kawan di milis alumni IKIP Malang mengenai
beasiswa  Fullbright. Kalau ado sanak, adiak atau kamanakan kito nan karajo
di bidang Linguistics atau Pengajaran Bahaso Inggris mungkin bisa
disampaikan ka baliau-baliau tu. Tarimo kasi. 


>Ini ada tawaran "awards" dari Fulbright, untuk bidang linguistik dan
>pengajaran bahasa Inggris. Bisa diteruskan ke yang bersangkutan dengan

>B. Kaswanti

>> The Fulbright Scholar Program for faculty and professionals had more than
>> 56 awards available in Linguistics and Teaching of English as a Foreign
>> Language for lecturing and/or doing research abroad during the 2001-2002
>> academic year. Although the August 1 deadline is past, there are still some
>> awards open and recruitment will continue. For information, visit our Web
>> site at after August 15 or contact the program officer listed
>> for awards you are interested in.  The award listings and application
>> materials are downloadable or you can request printed versions from
>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] U.S. citizenship is required. Non-U.S. citizens
>> should contact the Fulbright agency or U.S. embassy in their home
>> countries.
>> The Fulbright Scholar Program is sponsored by the United States Department
>> of State, Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, and administered by
>> the Council for International Exchange of Scholars (CIES).
>> Council for International Exchange of Scholars
>> 3007 Tilden Street, NW, Suite 5L
>> Washington, DC 20008-3009
>> Tel.: 202.686.7877; Fax: 202.362.3442
>> 2001-2002 Fulbright Awards in Linguistics and Teaching of English as a
>> Foreign Language
>> Albania:
>> Any Field #1200
>> (teaching methodology)
>> Armenia:
>> Any Field #1433
>> (English for reading and speaking)
>> Belarus:
>> Social Sciences and Humanities #1441
>> (semiotics, teacher training, methodology, grammar, phonetics, history of
>> English)
>> Benin:
>> American Literature and Civilization #1038
>> (English grammar, pedagogy, teacher training)
>> Bosnia and Hercegovina:
>> Any Field #1212
>> (English language, TEFL methodology)
>> Botswana:
>> Linguistics #1045
>> (discourse analysis, theory, African linguistics)
>> Bulgaria:
>> Applied Linguistics/Linguistics #1215
>> (general, English phonology and semantics, history of English language,
>> psycholinguistics, sociolinguistics, TEFL methodology)
>> Cameroon:
>> Teaching English as a Foreign Language #1052
>> (English language, pedagogy, research methods)
>> Croatia:
>> Any Field #1221
>> (lexicography)
>> American Studies #1223
>> (English descriptive grammar, phonology, lexicology)
>> Ethiopia:
>> Any Field #1062
>> (spoken English)
>> Fulbright Distinguished Chairs Program:
>> Fulbright-Karl Franzens University Distinguished Chair in Cultural
>Studies #1002
>> Fulbright-University of Calgary Chair in North American Studies #1007
>> Trieste Chair in Linguistics #1021
>> (general and applied linguistics, formal grammar (synchronic or
>> Venice Chair in Linguistics and Philosophy of Language #1022
>> (theoretical linguistics, syntax, theory of grammar)
>> Gaza:
>> Any Field #1394
>> (English language-TESOL)
>> Guatemala:
>> Linguistics #1556
>> (sociolinguistics, Mayan linguistics, linguistic policy and planning,
>> syntax, morphology, phonetics)
>> Guinea:
>> American Literature or Teaching English as a Foreign Language #1068
>> Honduras:
>> Anthropology/Archaeology, Ethnology, Linguistics #1560
>> (ethnolinguistics)
>> Hong Kong:
>> Teaching English as a Foreign Language/Applied Linguistics #1149
>> Hungary:
>> Theoretical or Applied Linguistics #1282
>> (sociolinguistics, psycholinguistics, semantics, cognitive, functional and
>> generative grammar,  discourse analysis, TEFL methodology, testing, teacher
>> training, writing, dialects)
>> India:
>> American Literature #1484
>> (sociolinguistics)
>> English Communication #1492
>> Indonesia:
>> Teaching English as a Foreign Language #1153
>> (curriculum development, teacher training)
>> Israel:
>> Fulbright-Ben-Gurion University Fellowship #1400
>> (methodology, in-service training, curriculum development)
>> Kuwait:
>> Any Field #1406
>> (American linguistics)
>> Kyrgyzstan:
>> Teaching English as a Foreign Language/Linguistics #1462
>> (English for special purposes)
>> Latvia:
>> Any Field #1307
>> (general, semantics, sociolinguistics, lexicography)
>> Lithuania:
>> Applied Linguistics/TEFL or Creative Writing #1318
>> (sociolinguistics, theoretical grammar, semantics, discourseanalysis,
>> academic writing)
>> Mali:
>> Any Field #1076
>> Mexico:
>> Teaching English as a Foreign Language #1577
>> (teacher training, curriculum development)
>> Morocco:
>> Applied Linguistics/TEFL #1412
>> (language, linguistics, English-Arabic translation)
>> Mozambique:
>> Any Field #1079
>> (English for special purposes)
>> American Studies, American Literature or Teaching English as a Foreign
>> Language #1080
>> (English for special purposes)
>> Economics, Business Administration, Public Administration, Law, English as
>> a Foreign Language, Agriculture or Health #1081
>> Namibia:
>> Teaching English as a Foreign Language #1085
>> (English language grammar and writing)
>> Nicaragua:
>> Linguistics #1580
>> Teaching English as a Second Language #1581
>> Niger:
>> Any Field #1086
>> (English grammar and composition)
>> Pakistan:
>> TEFL/Applied Linguistics #1509
>> (teacher training, pedagogy, linguistics)
>> Panama:
>> Linguistics #1586
>> (TEFL methodology, use of literature in ESL)
>> Paraguay:
>> Applied Linguistics #1588
>> Philippines:
>> Global Issues #1173
>> (language development and international competitiveness)
>> Poland:
>> Theoretical or Applied Linguistics/TEFL #1344
>> (sociolinguistics, psycholinguistics, second-language acquisition,
>> semantics, phonology,  TEFL methodology)
>> Qatar:
>> Any Field #1414
>> Senegal:
>> American Literature or Teaching English as a Foreign Language #1094
>> (TEFL methodology; reading, writing, listening and speaking; material
>> production and evaluation; Internet and education; curriculum and syllabus
>> design and development)
>> Slovak Republic:
>> TEFL or Applied Linguistics #1365
>> South Africa:
>> Any Field #1097
>> (speech-language pathology, acquired language disorders, motor speech
>> disorders, dysphagia)
>> Swaziland:
>> American Literature or History #1119
>> (English language communication skills)
>> Taiwan:
>> Social Sciences and Humanities #1183
>> (first- and second-language acquisition, translation and interpretation)
>> Tanzania:
>> Any Field #1122
>> (English writing, reading and listening communication skills)
>> Tunisia:
>> American Literature and Civilization or Linguistics #1421
>> (sociolinguistics, applied linguistics)
>> Turkey:
>> M.A. TEFL Director #1380
>> (ESL methodology, research methodology, applied linguistics)
>> Ukraine:
>> Theoretical or Applied Linguistics/TEFL #1473
>> (sociolinguistics, psycholinguistics, semantics, syntactic theory, grammar,
>> methodology, ESP)
>> United Arab Emirates:
>> Social Sciences and Humanities #1426
>> (applied linguistics)
>> West Bank:
>> Any Field #1427
>> (teacher training program development)
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