Dear Glenn Reeves,

Since your're not listed in the Rantaunet I am forwarding (new Minangkabau
word: "porowaik") your email to the mailing list so the rest of our member
will be able to read it. 

Thank you for the information you gave so far. I believe some of our
members will check the homepage you've given here and will learn about
Mentawai from it.  While our members are encouraged to speak Minangkabau in
the Rantaunet, but most of them do speak other languages. the new trends is
most of us are struggling to learn and improve ourselve to learn English as
a part of Minangkabau desisre to catch up with the global communication.

About myself, yes I added the Cultural Consultant in my business card in
addtition to Indonesian Translator. Academically I was a student of
History, Education, and Anthropology. Since I retired from the University
of California Santa Cruz a few years ago I dedicate myself to the
translation business which really enriched by my cultural backkground both
in academic and personal experience. 

Meanwhile at least I see one response about Yayasan Citra Mandiri appeared
in Rantaunet. I will forward it to your after this one.

Best wishes,
-- Sjamsir Sjarif

>Date: Fri, 29 Sep 2000 21:09:27 -0600
>X-Authentication-Warning: nobody set sender to
>From: "Glenn Reeves" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>X-Mailer: CADVision WebMail
>X-Origin: [Fri Sep 29 2000 09:09 pm]
>Subject: Re: Rantaunet: Yayasan Citra Mandiri
>Kepada yang terhomat Bapak Sjamsir,
>Thank you for your reply and your interest.
>>I think someone in Padang will help you. We have at least a couple
>>of Rantaunet from Padang. Unfortunately one is in Singapore right now.
>>I detected a new member just joined us this week. Like the other member,
>>let's hope she will check her email frequently
>That is very good news. To able to make contact with these people will be
>great.Thank you very much.
>>Now, related to your research, may I ask you a question? How long you
>>been or will be in Mentawai?
>I originally spent 18 months on the island of Siberut, in the village of
>Madobag, which is located inland from the main town in South Siberut, Muara
>Siberut. I was conducting research in pursuit of a Ph.D in Cultural/Social
>Anthropology. This is my first trip back there in 7 years. I plan to spend
>around 2-3 months catching up with the changes that have been occurring
>during the time I have been away.
>>Would you give us in Rantaunet (a maliling list of Minangkabau speakers
>>whose members spread all over the world) a brief sketch of your
>>on the cotemporary Mentawai as opposed to what you've read in your office
>>or University before you visited Mentaway? This question will help us the
>>member of Rantaunet to view the Mentawai from the distance since none of
>>from Mentawai and I believe none of us ever visited or lived in Mentawai.
>>myself have been in Nias for a couple of times, first in 1965 and 2nd in
>I visited Nias myself early in 1990. We may well have crossed paths
>somewhere. I have a website related to Mentawai which contains a lot of
>information which may be of interest to yourself and your colleagues:
><>. It is all in English, unfortunately, and so will
>be inaccessible to non-English readers. There is a comprehensive list of
>sources of information, many of which are in Indonesian, and many of which
>will be available in Padang (especially unpublished manuscripts from Unand
>and IKIP). Although the information on the site is from 7 years ago, I do
>not think things have changed all that much. So they will give a good idea
>of how things are, on Siberut anyway. The other islands of Sipora and Pagai
>U.& S. differ from Siberut in various aspects, since they have been subject
>to outside influence for a longer period of time.
>In my work I am attempting to create a general approach to the study of
>Kepulauan Mentawai which takes account of the modern complexity of the area.
>This is because there are so many inaccuracies in the literature on the
>islands. Compared to other areas of Indonesia, the Mentawai Islands have not
>been comprehensively studied. Still, there is a large body of research, most
>of which, however, is of dubious quality. Researchers generally do not seem
>to really understand the social structures, beliefs, and practices that they
>describe, even though their discriptions are very detailed. This is probably
>due to the fact that most researchers do not spend enough time in the
>"field", which is understandable since it is a hard place to spend any time
>longer than a few weeks. I am currently working on a paper which outlines
>this approach, and will be posted at in the near future (if
>I can get it done before I leave for Indonesia!).
>>What type of research are you doing? Are you an anthropologist, from
>>This question is not personal but culturally related which our members
>>very interested in.
>Yes, I am an anthropologist,and Australian citizen. My original research was
>done through the Australian National University in Canberra, Australia. For
>the last few years I have been contracted on a part-time basis to teach at
>Griffith University, Brisbane, Queensland.
>The research which I hope to carry out in the next 2 months will concerned
>to look at the response of the local people of Siberut, and perhaps Sipora,
>to the operation of a number of Surfing businesses which operate out of
>Padang (and one or two from Bengkulu). Information on the main company,
>Great Breaks International, is available at <>.
>This is a relatively recent development, in which recreational (and many
>professional) surfers from around the world spend 10 days or so surfing what
>are widely regarded to be the best waves in the world. I am interested in
>what the local people think about all of this, whether they see themselves
>as benefitting, or perhaps being exploited. This is why I am keen to meet
>with members of Yayasan Citra Mandiri, in order to get their perspectives
>upon these sorts of issues. I am also hoping to set up an enduring contact
>in which Mentawaian people can contribute information and their points of
>view for the rest of the world through my website.
>>Indonesian Translator and Cultural Consultant
>This sounds like an interesting profession, Pak Sjamsir. I have consulted
>your webpage, and would be interested to learn of your activities,
>particularly in relation to the "Cultural Consultant" side of your
>activities, as well as your involvement in education.
>Thank you again. I hope this information has addressed your questions. I am
>happy to provide any informaton or insight within the limits of my knowledge
>on any aspect of the Mentawai Islands.
>Best Regards
>Glenn Reeves.
>Glenn Reeves

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