Hai.. rantaunetters,

Kok tadi lah bajalan kito ka Palembayan jo Balingka, kini singgah sabanta
kito ka pasa teleng makan nasi kapau
Kok nan saminggu ko kito heboh dek WTC di amirika, kini kito angek an
saluang manyilau ranah kito Minangkabau

Dominated by jungles, volcanoes, canyons and lakes, the Ranah Minang located
in Central of Sumatra is an enormous and magnificent nature park. It is the
home of the Minangkabau, one of Indonesia's most interesting and
influential ethnic groups. It has a distinct culture which distinguishes it
from the rest of the Island. A land of scenic beauty with blue green lakes
and mountains. Ranah Minang, the center of culture of Minangkabau,
characterized by the hinterland high mountains which dip into picturesque
valleys. Among them are the remnants of the old Minangkabau Kingdom which
still proudly protected by the Central Sumatran's people, even though they
live outside of the province of West Sumatera. They keep maintaining the way
of life of their ancestor. The house with traditional architecture, the
style of the horn of the buffalo on the top as the symbol of victory and
prosperity. According to a local legend, the Minangkabau Kingdom was founded
by a descendant of Alexander the Great (Iskandar Zulkarnain). The name of
Minangkabau firstly seemed to have appeared in a list dated 1365 A.D. In
local dialect, "Minang"means "win"or conquer, and "Kabau" means water
buffalo. It is said, there was a king called the Maharaja of Majapahit
Kingdom from Java came to concour Central Sumatra. There in the hinterland,
he found a large kingdom ruled by a strong King, known as King Dang Tuangku.
When the peaceful settlement could not be reached, both parties decided to
go to war. Realizing the danger to her people, the Wise Mother of the local
King that they called "Bundo Kanduang" (mother) suggested that both parties
to settle the matter by conducting a Royal Bullfighting. Whoever won the
fight will therefore entitled to rule the Kingdom. Bundo Kanduang was quite
right that the enemy has a strong army and about three times larger than the
local. Because the stake was very high, each party went to a very careful
plan in order to win the fight. Majapahit army managed to get the strongest,
biggest and fierce buffalo with long, strong and pointed horns. The locals
had a different strategy - they decided to offer a hungry baby buffalo of a
few months and tied fake horns made of two strong and sharp knifes on the
baby's head, beside the ears. So when the two of them met, it was told that
the baby buffalo thought that the big one is his mother and started running
toward for milking. He run straight toward the breast and by doing so the
fake horns slice the others belly. Heavily wounded, the larger buffalo ran
away - and the locals won the fight without casualties. The country was then
renamed as Minangkabau (Buffalo Champion). To this day, these proud people
from highlands of Central Sumatra continue to call themselves the
Minangkabau and will be glad to tell you this story in one of its many
forms. Since then the King also stated that due to Wise Mother
contributions, the Minangkabaus will pay special respect to their mothers.
It was then agreed that their descendants, tribal account and property will
go through the mother's side. A daughter of a family will therefore own the
will. This is known as Matrilineal Society", which is practiced by
Minangkabau people in Central Sumatra until now. The capital city of
Minangkabau Kingdom is called "Pagaruyung" which is located in the present
city of Batusangkar (literally means stone cage). In the beginning, the
Kingdom was divided into three parts, which they called three "Luhak". Luhak
means district. The three Luhaks form the kernel of Minangkabau. There were
also three "rantaus", the small parts around it and in loose relation to the
central province, although they acknowledge the supremacy of the Maharaja of
Minangkabau. Nowadays we still can see the remnant of the kingdom such as;
written stones, stabbed stone, artifacts and old villages and cultures in
Pagaruyung. There in Batusangkar stands the beautiful Minangkabau Palace
with its Minang design exactly like the original but was later renovated.
According to the story,Minangkabau Kingdom was later extended or at least
had a very close relationship with some area in Malaysia such as Negeri
Sembilan. They have very similar culture, matrilineal society, traditional
house etcetra. Central Sumatran calls their land and rice field "Ranah
Minang" means the land of Minangkabaus. Living here is unique compare to the
other part of Sumatra. For example, the spirit of cooperation in the family
atmosphere existed in many parts of daily activities. People will help each
other; work together to build their houses, plow and plant rice fields,
organize ceremonial program including wedding parties and so on. 


The brother of the mother is the head of household, what they call "Niniak
Mamak". The Niniak Mamak" is responsible for the harmony and welfare of the
home as well as for the safety of heirlooms. One who is choice and appointed
as the leader in a clan is called "Datuak". Although men have responsibility
of the welfare and heirlooms in a family, but women keep the keys to the
family possession. It is the women who own property and the men who choose
to wonder. Women are the heiresses of the family and they have the right to
live in the big family house known as "Rumah Gadang" (big house). Rumah
Gadang belongs to all members of relatives along the mother's line. The
house is the place for all together at happy or sorrow time, and also for
discussing and make decision for any problem in the family. For the name as
"Rumah Adat" refers to its function as the place for all Adat Custom and
Traditon) ceremonies are held like wedding or inauguration of a head of
clan. The original Adat House is make of wood and bamboo for the back
wall.The roof is made of palm fiber. It is about 12 to 20 meters long and 6
to 8 meters wide and the position of floor is two to two and half meters
above the ground. The roof of the house looks like the horn of water buffalo
with 4 or 6 points stretch along the house and a point in addition forward
for the front door and ladder. For expanding form of the construction later,
there is no any right angle connection for the pillars with the horizontal
bars of the house. Both, the upper and lower, horizontal bars of the
building. The inside of the house is divided into 4 parts, living quarters
along one side of the house which consists of five or more rooms, another
side in front of the rooms is a hall for meeting and at both ends are rooms
with a higher floor, called "Anjuang" which is used only for a special
occasion such as a newly married daughter of the family. On both sides in
front of the house stand two rice barns flanking the house. Usually the wall
of the house and the barns are adorned with colorful carving. Landholding is
one of the crucial functions of the female lineage unit called "suku". Suku
will go through the female line in the family. Matrilineal practices is such
a pure form that a rather unique system in Minangkabau community. It is not
proper for men to stay at their mother's house. Therefore men leave their
mother's house at an early age. This is a reason which motivate many young
men of Minangkabau prefer to go to other place. This type of migration is
known as "merantau" a voluntary temporary migration to build character,
stems from this matrilineal structure. Since the Minangkabau men often go
from their homelands to seek experience, wealth and successes, the women's
in group is responsible for maintaining the continuity of the family as well
as the distribution and cultivation of the land. This group is led by a
chief called "Penghulu" and elected by groups of lineage leaders. As the
"suku" declines in importance relative to the outwardly directed male sphere
of commerce, however, the position of "Penghulu" is not always filled after
the death of the incumbent, particularly if lineage members are not willing
to bear the expense of the ceremony required to install a new "penghulu".
Minangkabau People The fourth largest ethnic group in Indonesia, the
Minangkabau is an influential and widely distributed indigenous minority.
Although they make up over 90% of the population in Central Sumatra, many
have also migrated to other Indonesian Islands or "merantau" in local
language. The tradition of "merantau", a voluntary temporary migration to
build character, stems from this matrilineal structure. Men go off to seek
their fortune while the women keep the property at home, which often
includes farming. Travelling is considered a mark of success and therefore
many Central Sumatrans are found in other parts of the country. Proof of
this is the many Minang restaurants, serving very spicy food, found in all
major towns across the nation. These highly literate and well-educated
people hold many key religious leadership positions and play a major role in
Indonesian political, economic and religious life. They are known throughout
Indonesia for their success in business, their hot spicy food and their
cultural pride. Minangkabau tribe is very famous as a hard worker,
ersevering and courageous people. Not only gentleman but also the ladies
from Minangkabau enjoy activities especially doing business. We can see a
lot of industries those are growing in Central Sumatra. Almost every woman
has a business selling handy crafts and embroidery in their houses or
sometime they just make it and sell them in the market. By looking at the
percentages of the people, in Central Sumatra there are almost 60% of the
population move to another province to get a job or do business. A quarter
of their income is usually sent back to "Ranah Minang". The funds are used
mainly for education of their nephew or relatives. The rest are for building
a house for their parents or sisters or relatives that taking care of their
properties. Anthropologists believe that the Minangkabau ancestors were
actually came from Indochina, as can be traced from the ceremonial
ornamentation, accessories, clothing and others. Both Minangkabau's and
Indochinese have some perseverance similarities and characters in conducting
business. In fact, both of them are tight competitors in some respects. The
spirit of democracy is widely seen as well. Say if a family needs to have a
party such as for the wedding of a daughter. A couple months in advance, the
parent will invite the relatives and the neighbors to come over to form a
committee and formalities for the party. Normally everybody will volunteer
happily. Usually the committee will amount to more than fifty. They believe
the wedding is not only for two persons, but it is for the two big families
or even two villages in some instance. Therefore, all of the related works
pertaining to the party will be done together. In many cases, the whole
village will get involved.

wasalam & Regards
Arman Bahar Piliang
>  -----Original Message-----
> From:         [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
> Sent: Friday, May 25, 2001 8:46 PM
> Subject:      TAMBO
> Assalamualaikum Wr, Wb.
> Mak Arman, Malin Bandaro.
> Awak, alah mambaco isi tulisan mamak yang di rantaunet, awak sangek bangga
> kiniko alah gambang mancari sejarah (Tambo) ataupun berita tentang
> kampuang awak, tapi ambo alun pernah dapek secara umum untuak urang minang
> itu kasadoalahnyo, maksudnyo alamo iko yang dikaji hanyo yg di daerah
> bukitttinggi jo sekitarnyo sajo.
> Basamo iko ambo ingin batanyo banyak samo mamak, untuak manambah
> pengetahuan ambo tentang ranah minang ko, bagi penduduak nan di padang,
> pariaman, pasaman pasisiah dan muaro labuah (solok selatan=kampuang ambo)
> apokah itu baniniak moyang satu juo (dari kotogadang sesuai dg tulisan di
> tambo kurai tuh). Apokah itu termasuak pembagian setelah bakambangnyo
> leluhur kito yang di koto gadang itu juo?. Sabatuanyo ingin batanyo banyak
> kaurang awak nan tuo, nan tau banyak sejarah, tapi ambo kurang informasi,
> kebetulan disiko ado email mamak, mangkonyo ambo mancubo bakirim email
> kamamak ko, kalau mamak punyo email address angku2 awak nan banyak
> mangarati tentang sejarah nagari awak, buliahlah ambo minta
> alamat-alamatnyo, ambo ingin bana bisa banyak tampek batanyo entang
> sejarah nagari awak, dizaman dima banyak anak-anak mudo alah lupo jo
> sejarah niniak moyangnyo. Dan awak batarimo kasih banyak kalau mamak indak
> keberatan kalau awak bakirim-kirim surek kamamak iko.
> Mamak Arman... dari email address mamak, pasti mamak karajo di Caltex,
> kebetulan awak kiniko ikuik karajo di contractornyo Caltex yg diduri
> (Infield project), tapi awak di jakarta office dan alhamdulillah untuak
> karyawan lokal disinan ambo maliek banyak sangek anak-anak urang awak.
> Oh ya.. mamak, sabalunnyo awak minta ma'af, awak lupo memperkenalkan diri
> awak kamamak, Namo awak Nofendri T. Lare, lahia di Muaro Labuah (solok) 22
> nof 76, awak bakirim email iko dari address-nyo Boss awak, karano email
> awak indak bisa untuak bakirim kalua do. Jadi kalau mamak bakirim email
> kaawak ndak apo-apo dialamtkan kasiko do, nanti bisa di forwar ka email
> awak yg di intranet. Sabalunnnyo awak ucapkan banyak terimo kasih, kalau
> mamak ndak keberatan manarimo email dari awak. 
> Wassalam
> Nofendri T. Lare : mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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