Title: RE: [RantauNet] RAJAM BIADAB! Nigeria: Woman Sentenced to Death Under Sharia
Ma nan biadab ...?
Zina diluar nikah .... atau Rajam utk maapuihkan dosa zina tu..
Istighfar lah sanak... imbangi lah ilmu duniawi nan sadang sanak geluti jo ilmu agamo spy ndak tasasek beko...
Ndak malu sanak basorak mancaliakkan ka urang baso sanak urang bagak di lapau ko namun sabananyo malah mangetekkan sanak surang.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, October 25, 2001 13:09
Subject: RE: [RantauNet] RAJAM BIADAB! Nigeria: Woman Sentenced to Death Under Sharia

Urpas, kalau bisa tahu, agama Lu itu apa? Kalau Lu itu bukan Islam masih kami terima apa yang Lu lontarkan.

-----Original Message-----
From: Urpas [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, October 25, 2001 3:33 AM
Subject: [RantauNet] RAJAM BIADAB! Nigeria: Woman Sentenced to Death
Under Sharia

apalah kata ulama, kata orang siak;
peristiwa rajam, seperti di bawah ini hanya tega dilakukan oleh manusia yang
hatinya gelap-hitam;
yang nurani kemanusiaannya lenyap;

kalau syariah islam yang didengung-dengungkan di indonesia dan di sumatera
barat juga memuat aturan seperti ini;
saya adalah PENENTANG syariat islam!
catat : saya, urpas.

mari berjihad menentang rajam!



Nigeria: Woman Sentenced to Death Under Sharia

(New York, October 23, 2001) Human Rights Watch today condemned a
recent ruling by an Islamic court in Northern Nigeria that sentenced
Safiya Hussaini Tungar-Tudu to death by stoning. The court issued the
death sentence after finding her guilty of having pre-marital sex.

"Women have a basic right to control their sexual autonomy," said
LaShawn R. Jefferson, executive director of the Women's Rights
Division of Human Rights Watch. "When a woman is punished so severely
for having pre-marital sex, her right to make free decisions
regarding her body is violated."
The Islamic court in Gwadabawa, Sokoto State, in northern Nigeria
sentenced Ms. Tungar-Tudu to death after finding her guilty of having
pre-marital sex, a punishable offense under Sharia law. Ms. Tungar-
Tudu, who is pregnant, has until November 8 to file an appeal. The
court's ruling is pending approval by the governor of Sokoto State
after which a date to mete out the punishment will be fixed. The man
she allegedly had sex with was set free by the same court after
concluding that it lacked sufficient evidence to prosecute him for
the alleged adultery.

Human Rights Watch opposes the death penalty in all circumstances
because of its inherent cruelty. Additionally, international law
strictly prohibits the imposition of capital punishment on a pregnant

In recent years, several states in Muslim-dominated northern Nigeria
have extended the application of Sharia law to criminal offenses,
imposing Sharia punishments for theft and other crimes, and
criminalizing acts such as pre-marital sex and alcohol consumption.

Ms. Tungar-Tudu's conviction for pre-marital sex is the second one to
be reported in northern Nigeria. In September 2000, an Islamic court
in the northern state of Zamfara, sentenced Bariya Ibrahim Magazu, a
teenage girl, to 180 lashes for pre-marital sex and bringing false
charges against men with whom she allegedly had sex. Despite protests
by international and Nigerian human rights groups against her
sentence, officials authorized the flogging of Ms. Magazu. Even
though her appeal remained pending, the sentence was carried out; she
was lashed one hundred times on January 19, 2001.

In another case, a Sharia court found a sixteen-year-old boy guilty
of stealing money. He was sentenced to the amputation of his hand.
Amputation is an extreme form of corporal punishment, which is
expressly prohibited by the Convention on the Rights of the Child.
Human Rights Watch wrote to the governor of Kebbi State on October
12, 2001, expressing its concern over the case.

Human Rights Watch called on the Nigerian government to protect Ms.
Tungar-Tudu from the arbitrary meting out of a harsh and unacceptable
punishment, and to ensure that the courts operate in accordance with
international human rights law and the bill of rights in Nigeria's
own constitution.

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