Assalamu 'alaikum wr wb.

Pernahkah terbayang oleh kita bagaimana menjelaskan tentang Islam kepada
anak-anak kelas 6 SD di Amerika Serikat pasca kejadian WTC ? Kelihatannya
pengalaman kawan kita di bawah ini sangat baik untuk disimak. Barangkali ada
yang bisa kita pelajari bersama ....

Riri Sutan Permato


> >
> >Assalamu'alaikum Wr.Wb.
> >salam sejahtera,
> >
> >Siang tadi, pukul 12:45 -01.45, saya dan tiga orang dari
> >Muslim Student Association [MSA], University of Maine diminta
> >berbicara tentang Islam di hadapan anak-anak kelas 7-8, dan
> >kelas 6.
> >
> >Sejak peristiwa Sept 11,  MSA kebanjiran permintaan untuk
> >mengisi satu jam mata pelajarang "Social Studies" di beberapa
> >sekolah. Tahun lalu, beberapa High School meminta Asian Student
> >Association
> >bicara tentang South East Asia pada mata kuliah
> >yang sama. Tahun lalu, saya bicara tentang Indonesia di
> >beberapa HSs.
> >
> >Tahun ini agak beda dengan tahun lalu. Guru pengarah
> >menekankan kepada kami --MSA-- agar dapat memberikan
> >gambaran tentang Islam, kaitannya dengan Kristen, dan
> >bagaimana Islam melihat kasus Sept 11.
> >
> >Karena murid yang hadir itu masih sangat kanak-kanak [kelas
> >6 SD, hingga 2 SMP] maka kami harus memilih metode yg pas
> >agar mereka mudah memahaminya. Saya dan Reza [juga dari
> >Indonesia] kebagian anak-anak sixth Graders. Kammal
> >[Egytptian] dan Hussein [Lebanese] kebagian 7th+8th
> >graders.
> >
> >Saya mulai dengan pertanyaan siapa yang mengenal "Adam
> >and Eve". Hampir semua anak tunjuk jari. Pertanyaan
> >selanjutnya, "siapa yang  tahu di mana Adam and Eve berada?"
> >Salah seorang siswa menjawab "In the garden of Eden".
> >
> >o Jesus
> >
> >"What happened to them?" tanya saya mengejar.
> >"They ate the forbidden fruits," jawab salah seorang siswi.
> >"What next?"
> >"They were expelled from the Garden of Eden."
> >"Why?" tanya saya. Tidak ada yang menjawab. Saya
> >lanjutkan, "Because they disobeyed God." Anak-anak
> >mengangguk-angguk mengiyakan.
> >
> >"Do you know where will we go after we die?" tanya saya
> >selanjutnya. Salah seorang siswi mengacungkan tangan,
> >"We're ganna go to the Heaven."
> >
> >"Are you sure?" tanya saya selanjutnya. "What make you
> >think we will go to the Heaven?"
> >
> >Anak-anak itu looked puzzled. Ketika saya minta tunjuk
> >jari untuk bicara, tak ada yang angkat tangan.
> >
> >"Yeah, we are sure that we're going to go to the Heaven
> >-when die- because we are good people. Because we follow
> >the teaching of God."
> >
> >Mendengar apa yang saya katakan, anak-anak itu pada menarik
> >nafas lega.  "Now, what is the teaching of God?" tanya saya.
> >Anak-anak itu tengok kanan-tengok kiri.
> >
> >Saya pun melemparkan umpan. "Siapa yang mengenal Jesus."
> >Hampir seluruh kelas [nearly 40 murids] mengacungkan jari.
> >"Siapa yang rajin ke gereja?" tanya saya. Hanya beberapa
> >yang mengacungkan tangan. Beberapa anak yang tak mengacungkan
> >tangan berbisik "I used to".
> >
> >"Yang diajarkan Jesus itulah the teaching of God," kata saya.
> >"If you want to go the the Heaven, as a Christian, you should
> >study what Jesus teaches, understand them, dan follow them."
> >
> >Beberapa anak menggut-manggut, beberapa anak hanya nyengir
> >kuda. Saya tak mengapa mereka meringis. Yang manggut-manggut
> >itu anak-anak yang tadi tunjuk jari, ketika saya tanya siapa
> >yang rajin ke gereja.
> >
> >o Moses
> >
> >Saya tanya siapa yang mengenal Moses, hanya beberapa orang yg
> >angkat tangan. Tapi ketika saya tanya "The Ten Commandment",
> >semua anak tunjuk jari. Saya naik, nanya siapa yang mengenal
> >Abe [Abraham]. Hampir semuanya tunjuk jari.
> >
> >"Do you know that Abraham had two sons?" tanya saya. Anak
> >-anak itu tidak ada yang tahu.  Gurunya yang menjawab. "Yes,
> >they were Isaac and Ishmael."
> >
> >Di papan tulis, saya buat chart, Abraham: Isaac + Ishmael.
> >Dari Isaac saya turunkan: Moses + Jesus; dari Ishmael saya
> >turunkan Muhammad. Pada Moses saya beri tanda "David Star",
> >pada Jesus saya beri tanda "Cross", pada Muhammad saya
> >beri tanda "Bulan Sabit."
> >
> >Dari situ saya mulai masuk informasi tentang Islam. Kepada
> >kelas, saya tunjukkan hubungan antara Islam-Kristen-Jahudi.
> >Saya tunjukkan kepada kelas, itulah serangkaian "the Teaching
> >of  God". God memberikan Torah kepada Moses, Gospel kepada
> >Jesus, dan Qur'an kepada Muhammad. Teaching itu diturunkan
> >untuk menuntun manusia supaya bisa kembali ke Heaven.
> >
> >"If you read Bible, any good teaching you find in it, you
> >will also find it in the Koran,"  kata saya. "The only major
> >differences between Christianity and Islam are that Christian
> >see Jesus as the Savior, we -muslim- see him just as a Prophet.
> >And we respect him. And that we -muslim- do not believe in
> >the sin for newly born baby. All babies are born innocent,
> >in Islam."
> >
> >Saya tidak menjelaskan bahwa Islam tak mengenal konsep
> >Trinitas.Menurut saya, konsep itu terlalu komplek untuk
> >diangkat buat anak-anak kelas 6 SD.
> >
> >Menurut saya, cukuplah buat mereka jika mereka tahu bahwa
> >Islam dan Kristen-Jahudi itu berasal dari the same root.
> >Dan, moral teaching yang didapati di Bible juga ada di
> >al Qur'an.
> >
> >o Islam
> >
> >"If the Islamic teachings are just like the Christian
> >teaching, then, why some muslim do bad thing, like the Sept
> >11 -supposed the people who did it were Mr. Laden and his
> >gangs?" tanya saya selanjutnya.
> >
> >Memasuki daerah ini, anak-anak mulai rame. Mereka pada
> >tunjuk jari ingin mengajukan pertanyaan. Tapi guru pengarahnya
> >minta mereka bersabar, agas saya dapat selesaikan 'speech'
> >yg akan selesai sekitar lima menit lagi.
> >
> >"The truth is I don't know why some people do bad things.
> >What I could tell you, though... Islam forbids the killing
> >of innocent people."
> >
> >"So, what happened last Sept 11 was totally wrong. There is
> >no teaching in Islam to justify that action. And, I believe
> >those who did it should be brought to justice."
> >
> >"I  also ask you to remember this...please, make distinction
> >between the guy who did bad things from the teahing of their
> >religions. There are some bad guys out there, and they could
> >be Moslems or Christians. There also some good guys out
> >there which happen to be Moslems or Christians, like you
> >and I."
> >
> >Itulah pengantar 'speech' yang saya sampaikan kurang
> >lebih dalam dua belas menit. Waktu selanjutnya, adalah
> >tanya jawab.
> >
> >Pertanyaannya buanyaaaaaak sekali. Baik tentang Indonesia,
> >Islam, maupun September 11. Reza dan saya team  up menjawab
> >pertanyaan murid-murid dan guru pengarah. Gurunya ada empat
> >orang. Saya tak bisa tulis semua pertanyaan itu, di bawah
> >ini hanya saya sampaikan beberapa yang relevan dengan topik-
> >nya "Islam and September 11."
> >
> >Pertanyaan:
> >
> >Q: "Why did they do the September 11?" tanya salah seorang
> >    siswi.
> >A: "I don't really know. And, I don't want to make any
> >    judgement on this. Let's wait what the FBI find out."
> >
> >Q: "Do you know the guys who did it? You're moslem."
> >A: "Yes I am a moslem. But, I don't know them. What I know
> >    about them is based on what the media told us."
> >
> >Q: "Does Sept 11. have a special meaning in Islam?"
> >A: "Not that I know off. To tell you the truth, The Sept 11
> >   is nothing to do with Islam."
> >
> >Q: "Do you pray before going to bed? and how?"
> >A: "We pray when doing anything good, like eating, studying,
> >    taking a bath, helping friends, and going to bed.
> >    My prayer before going to bed is very simple, 'God,
> >    please take care everything while I am dead during my
> >    sleep. And, if you decide to take me tonight, please
> >    bring me to the Heaven.'
> >    Other than that, we have an obligatory prayer, which
> >    is done five times a day."
> >
> >Q: "Do the women in Islam have to wear veil?" tanya salah
> >    seorang siswi sambil memperagakan, pakaian wanita
> >    Arab yang hanya nampak matanya.
> >A: "Veil is a must in Islam. There is verse in the Koran about
> >    that. But, you have to differentiate between culture and
> >    the teaching of Islam. The veil in Islam is like when you
> >    see a nun in the church.  All body, except face and your
> >    palms, is covered."
> >
> >Q: "Are all Arab are moslems?" tanya seorang Guru.
> >A: "Not all Arab are moslems. Some Arabs are Christians
> >    like Khalil Gibran, some are Jewish, or else. Likewise,
> >    not all moslems are Arab. Almost 905 of Indonesians
> >    are moslems, and there are about 210 M of Indonesians."
> >
> >Q: "Do you people of Indonesia also have holiday for Chiristmas
> >    and Easter?"
> >A: "We do have those. We also have a holliday for other religious
> >    holidays, like for the Hindus, Budhists, and of course for
> >    the Islamic holidays."
> >
> >Q: "How did you react when you saw the Sept 11.?" tanya bu
> >    guru.
> >A: "I was angry, sad, and terrified. My first thought was
> >      the world is no longer safe. If they could do it here,
> >     in the USA, they could do it anywhere else.  I was
> >     angry at the guy who did the brutal action. I was
> >     sad for knowing there would be lots of life loss.
> >     Children lost their dads or moms, husband lost
> >     their wives, wives lost their love ones. We should
> >     take an action to prevent thing like this from heppening
> >     in the future."
> >
> >Q: "How does Islam see women. Are women alloed to
> >    work or to go to school?" tanya bu guru lain merefer
> >    to situasi di Afghanistan.
> >A: "In Islam, women do not have to work. It's the responsibility
> >    of the husband to support the family. If the women happen
> >    to have a job, the money belong to her. The husband can
> >    not touch that money. It's up to the women to spend the
> >    money. However, if she decide to spend the money for
> >    the family, she will get the reward from God.
> >
> >    I would like to make a point here. In the eye of religion,
> >    it's okay for the women do not work. But, if the husband
> >    do not go to work, it's considered a sinner. He do not
> >    fulfill his responsibility. So, women are not forbidden
> >    to work.
> >
> >    Islam does not forbid women to get education. There
> >    in no teaching in the book...Koran.. or the tradition of
> >    the Prophet forbiding women from getting education.
> >    They don't have to work, yes, but to raise children,
> >    we need smart moms too." [audience tertawa..]
> >
> >    I don't know what is the reason for women in
> >    Afghanistan were not allowed to work or go to
> >    school. I have read some information about that
> >    too in [saya menulis di papan].
> >    I have also read the speech one of Thaliban
> >    leader in California last March.
> >
> >   He said, in the beginning of Thaliban administration,
> >   women are indeed not allowed to work and go to
> >   school. The reason was the situation was too
> >   dangerous for women to go out, because every
> >   man had a gun, and tribal rivalry was still high.
> >   But, after Thaliban disarmed the people, now,
> >   women go to work, and girl are going to school.
> >   And Thaliban just open medical school in every
> >   province, most of the students are girl.
> >   [saya juga menambahkan, siswa laki-laki dan
> >   perempuan dipisahkan, demikian juga dengan
> >   pekerja laki-laki dan perempuan; It's just like
> >   in Iran].
> >
> >Q: "Do all women in Indonesia wear veil?" tanya seorang siswi.
> >A: "Not all of them."
> >Q: "Why?"
> >A: "I don't know. It's just like in Christianity, not all
> >    Christians follow the teaching of Jesus."
> >
> >Q: "You said that it's about 6 M of moslems are Americans."
> >A: "Yes about that number. And four thousands of them are
> >      serving in the military. They become moslem right after they
> >      get contact with Islam either during or after the Gulf War,
> >      and when they were sent to Somalia."
> >
> >[itulah sebagian pertanyaan yang saya ingat baik di dalam
> >kelas maupun di luar kelas setelah speech; kepada para Guru
> >saya tinggalkan fotocopy tulisan:
> >-Karen Armstrong "The True, Peaceful Face of Islam" [Time]
> >-Ira Rifkin "One Nation, Under Islam" [Time]
> >-Charless Kimball "Q&A: Islamic Fundamentalism"
> >[Christian Science Monitor]
> >
> >Wassalam,
> >=Usman Maine=
> >"Lord opens
> >      our eyes to see what is beautiful, or
> >      our minds to know what is true, or
> >      our hearts to love what is good"
> >
> >--------------------------------------------
> >Usman Kris Joko Suharjo
> >Dept. of Applied Ecology and Environmental Sciences
> >University of Maine
> >Deering Hall, Orono, ME 04469
> >USA
> >phn: 207-866-5935
> >fax: 207-581-2999 [off]
> >     207-866-5935 [home]
> >-----------------------------------

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