Assalamu’alaikum Wr.Wb,

Sorry, In the reality I like writing in minang language, but because of you
(often use the english language, proud? I don't know), I necessary use the
english language although not perpect. In order, all of you can be understand
with my opinions.

Yes, I agreed with all of with your argument about vision and mision of
Sumbar for future. But, you must think some solution too, such as ever I present
in the list; democratisation and improve their capacity building in Sumbar
development, including improve the morality of government officials. Without
them, yeah I pesimist that the vision or the plan to build of Sumbar’ business
will be success. We need SWOT analys before to do them.

If you see me not understand about the globalization fenomenom, mainly in
economic globalization in developing countries (LDCs), its impacts and
opportunities, I think you’ve wrong. Because, the topic is my job and my study almost
everyday. I’ve present the topic (autonomy and globalization) in KADIN’

fendi KOTO
Jl. Batik Kumeli No.31,Sukaluyu - Bandung.
Telp.+62-022-250 2010

Please see the invitation from KADIN for me at beneath :
From:"Kajo Utama" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   
To:  Address BookTo:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
CC:  Subject:Paradigma baru ? Krisis pangan atau krisis penguasa ? 
Date:Mon, 03 Sep 2001 00:19:49+100

Kepada Yth 
Bpk. Fendi Koto
Dengan hormat,
Membaca tulisan anda, yang saya terima melalui WTO-Wacht  tentu via Bpk.
Bonny Setiawan,  memberikan suatu wacana yang berbeda dari apa yang  dilukiskan
oleh pejabat/oknum.
Ada kesempatan untuk kita bahas lagi dalam satu kelas pelatihan pejabat
junior Depdagri Minggu depan 13 Sep, 2001, siang.
Mohon sediakan waktu, dan menguhubungi saya via HP. 0818 856 800, dirumah
7365253 setelah 8.00 malam.
dan dimana hot-line Bpk. Efendi K ?
Sekian dulu saya tunggu kabarnya.

Utama Kajo
Urusan Kebijakan Publik KADIN Indonesia
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Rina wrote :
It's not they don't know what to do......lack of guidance and money
be positive okey....

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, February 23, 2002 10:30 AM
Subject: Re: [RantauNet] RE : Visi Sumbar dan Rencana Membangun Bisnis

> Many people don't know what to do, few people know what to-do and very
> few people do what they know.Hehehe....
> Evi

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