For your info.

There  are certain groups trying to produce
a new Quran!!  Please read
this e-mail and send it to your
friends.  Some enemies of Islam have
established on-line  Quran
Surah with addition of some self-written SURAH;
examples can be seen  on the web site shown below.  It's very dangerous
for the, Muslim, especially  for  the  newly converted Muslims or the
Muslims who don't know much  about  Islam  and Quran; they might read
FALSE and Bad material.

Kindly send this message (with the web sites shown below) to inform as
many muslims as you can.

1) One of the sites as an
example of their Quran is:
Those who read the Quran and understand the Arabic language can easily
make out the difference

2)  There  is another  site  that  it  is  suspected to be launched by
the Israelis; it is now under development:

Please forward this e-mail to all Muslims you know, to be aware and be
careful...If you can hack  those pages please do.Get more from the Web.
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