->-----Original Message-----


->Sent: Monday, November 18, 2002 10:55 PM



->Sarupo nan taralah lah disampaikan.

->Mausua sakali lai.

->Jikok mareplai kok dikuduang the previous posting baa 'gakno.


->Maimaik memori dan maimaik ............... pulsa.

->Urang lain kaan lah manarimo juo the previous posting.


[dm] Bana mak Ban, kalau bisa dianggaplah wakatu nan dipakai manguduang nan indak paralu tu baramal di bulan puaso nan dapek dilanjuikkan sasudah puaso nanti. Kan mangurangi kewajiban urang mambaia pulsa adolah berupa sadakah. Baa tu Ustazah Rahima?


->Salamaik babuko





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