Project Assistant - Center For International Forestry
Research (CIFOR)
Headquartered in Bogor, Indonesia with regional
offices in Africa and South America, CIFOR is a
leading international forestry research organization
established in response to global concerns about the
social, environmental, and economic consequences of
forest loss and degradation. CIFOR is dedicated to
developing policies and technologies for sustainable
use and management of forest products and services,
and for enhancing the well being of people in
developing countries who rely on tropical forest. 
POSITION: Project Assistant (Indonesian National) to
work on:
Can Decentralization Work for Forests and the Poor?
Policy Research to Promote Sustainable Forest
Management, Equitable Economic Development, and Secure
Local Livelihoods in Indonesia. 
Indonesia’s ongoing decentralization process is having
profound impacts on forest industry production levels,
the livelihoods of communities living in forested
areas, and the environmental services provided by the
country’s remaining natural forests. Decision-makers
involved in the decentralization process at the
national, provincial, district, and village levels
urgently need information on these impacts and
analytical skills to make informed and inclusive
decisions. Indonesian policymakers and international
agencies also need information about where alternate
models used in other contexts may be able to produce
more positive outcomes than the decentralization model
currently being applied in Indonesia. 

This project will build on decentralization research
carried out by CIFOR, with support from ACIAR and
DfID, in 2000-2001. Research activities will be
conducted at the national, provincial, district, and
village levels through active partnerships among
CIFOR, five Indonesian provincial universities and
research-oriented NGOs, and Murdoch University’s
School of Asian Studies. The central objectives of the
project are: 

To document the impacts of decentralization on forest
management, economic development, and local
To work with district, provincial, and national
stakeholders to produce timely analyses of these
To identify strategic interventions to promote
sustainable forest management, equitable economic
development, and secure local livelihoods; 
To strengthen policy dialogues among national,
provincial, district, and village government agencies;
To build capacity among Indonesia’s provincial
universities and research-focused NGOs to carry out
policy-responsive and participatory research on the
impacts of decentralization and other models. 
In this project, CIFOR and its Australian and
Indonesian partners will carry out policy research on
key decentralization issues at the national,
provincial, district, and village levels. The project
will build on CIFOR’s past research by carrying out
focused, theme-specific studies of strategic issues
related to decentralization and forests at each level,
and by analyzing the dynamics among them. 
The Project Assistant will be responsible for
supporting other team members both in Bogor and in
each of the case study provinces, (East and West
Kalimantan, West Papua, Jambi, Sumatra and South
Sulawesi) with the following research/training
activities, and information management &
communications responsibilities: 
Identifying, sourcing and collating quantitative and
qualitative information from a wide range of NGO,
donor and government organisations – including
relevant papers, media articles, literature, and
web-based information sources. 
The Project Assistant will help identify regional
partners’ training requirments and to organise and
take part in training on coalition-building;
facilitation skills; and participatory and action
research for policy-making. 
The project Assistant will travel to the provinces to
provide practical and logistical support required  by
our partners, and to provide translation where
Work as a member of a multidisciplinary team of
scientists spread across Indonesia. 
Update and monitor a qualitative information
management database and internet-based group site. 
Support the project’s internal and external
communications and implementation strategy.
Disseminate research findings / relevant information
resources, help prepare publications, and keep
stakeholders in wider networks informed of research
Monitor and update the project’s budget, (Excel) and
keep track of partners’ contracts and expenditure. 
Other tasks as identified during project
The Project Assistant will report to the CIFOR Project
At least a university degree in social science or a
natural resource management discipline with 2-5 years
of relevant experience; 
Competent and experienced in social science studies,
preferably with experience of action
research/participatory methodologies and with a
knowledge of institutional and decentralization
Experience of working with information management
Experience of communicating and working with a wide
and diverse network of groups and individuals; 
Experience with working in multi-disciplinary teams; 
Fluent (excellent speaking, good writing) in English; 
Flexibility to travel to research sites in Sumatra,
Kalimantan, Sulawesi, and Papua. 
Assignment: appointment is for 12 months, with
possibility of extension, starting as soon as possible

Application Process:
Applications will be accepted until January 17, 2003.
Interviews will be held in Bogor in the week of
January 27, 2003. All correspondence will be held in
confidence and only short listed candidates will be
A letter of interest, detailed curriculum vita, and
names and addresses of three referees (including
telephone, fax numbers and e-mail addresses) should be
sent to: 

Human Resources Manager 
P.O. Box 6596 JKPWB, Jakarta 10065, Indonesia 
Fax +62-251 628 626, E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
(Please indicate the position in subject line) 

The above announcement is posted on CIFOR web site at 

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