Barita pantiang dari dapua urang sabalah.

Date: Thu, 26 Jun 2003 14:46:34 +0700
Subject: Fw: Mad cow disease

Original Message 
From: yenni sibuea

Mad Cow Disease

A female reporter was interviewing a farmer regarding mad cow  disease.
Reporter: Sir, would you like to comment about the mad cow  disease?
Farmer: Lady, do you know that bulls and cows only have sex once  a
Reporter: Sir, I respect your comment but we are talking about  mad cows disease.
Farmer: Lady, and do you know that we squeeze cow's  breast six times a day.
Reporter: Sir, but what is it got to do with mad  cows disease.
Farmer: If your boyfriend squeeze your breast six times a  day, but only have sex once 
in a year - will you be mad ?

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