Tolong Surek lamaran jan dikirim ka ambo.....ambo bukan HRD-nyo...hanyo
tukang kaba

Medco Energi; 28 positions
  Posting date : Saturday, June 09, 2007 Expiry date : Saturday, June 23,


We are Chemical Manufacture Company is seeking high calibre candidates for
the following positions. All of these positions will be based on North
Lampung. We offer challenging career path and an attractive remuneration
package commensurate with the experience.

1. Supply Chain Manager (Code: SCM)
2. Operation Manager (Code : OM)
3. Marketing Manager (Code : MM)
4. Process Superintendent (Code : PS)
5. Technical Support Superintendent (Code : TSS)
6. Maintenance Superintendent (Code : MTS)
7. Mechanic Supervisor (Code : MS)
8. Electrical & Instrument Supervisor (Code : EIS)
9. Workshop Supervisor (Code : WS)
10. Utility Supervisor (Code : US)
11. Process Supervisor (Code : POS)
12. QA/ QC Supervisor (Code : QCS)
13. Engineering Supervisor (Code : EGS)
14. Procurement Supervisor (Code : PRS)
15. PPIC Supervisor (Code : PIS)
16. Warehouse Supervisor (Code : WRS)
17. Sales & Marketing Supervisor (Code : SMS)
18. Process Foreman (Code : PCF)
19. Power Utility Foreman (Code : PUF)
20. WTP & WWTP Foreman (Code : WTF)
21. Inspector (Code : IPT)
22. Analyst (Code : ALT)
23. Process Engineer (Code : PCE)
24. Reliability Staff (Code : RBS)
25. Process Operator (Code : PCO)
26. Electrical & Instrument Technician (Code : EIT)
27. Boiler Plant Operator (Code : BPO)
28. Steam Turbine Generator Operator (Code : SGO)

General Requirement :
* Age between 35 - 45 years old (1 s/d 3); between 30 - 40 years old (4 s/d
17); between 20 - 30 (18 s/d 28), Min. S-1 (1 s/d 17); Min. D3 (18 s/d 24);
Min. STM (25 s/d 28).
* Hold relevant professional qualifications in same position with min. 5
years experience (1 s/d 3), min. 3 years experience (4 s/d 17), min. 2 years
experience (18 s/d 24), min. 1 year experience (25 s/d 28).
* Preferable from ethanol industry or related industry (4; 11; 12; 18; 23;
24; 25), hold Inspector Certificate (21), and Boiler Certificate (19; 27).
* Good communication skills, English literacy (both written & oral),
Proficient Computer skills, ability to work as a team player and be
achievement oriented and energetic are essential competencies and behaviours
to work at site.

If you can ensure yourself that you are suitable for any of the above
positions, please submit your comprehensive resume within 14 days to:

PO. BOX 1702 JAKARTA 10017
or email to

Please indicate the position applied on upper left of your envelope. All
applicants will be treated confidentially and only short listed candidates
will be contacted.

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