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  Changing the Game: Negotiation and Competitive Decision Making  
    Examining core decision-making challenges, this program offers new insights 
and groundbreaking research in the areas of decision making and negotiation. 
Participants create a personalized agenda for change-both for themselves and 
their organizations.
  Program Objectives
Created to help managers improve negotiation and decision-making skills across 
a variety of competitive contexts, the program provides executives with a 
proven framework and a cognitive toolkit to maximize the value of each 
Developed by preeminent authorities on negotiation and decision making, the 
program builds on a foundation of self-assessment. Participants explore core 
elements of negotiation, evaluate competitive environments, and learn to 
transfer knowledge to their organizations.
Changing the Game attracts a highly diverse audience and is appropriate for all 
executives, including those who have taken prior negotiation courses. 
Participants span a range of titles and functions, and many work in 
fast-moving, dynamic industries.
  Dual Participation
The in-depth curricula are designed as complementary learning experiences, 
making it possible for senior-level executives to take advantage of both the 
Changing the Game and the Strategic Negotiations programs in either order.
Dates and Fees
      October 28-November 2, 2007

    March 30-April 4, 2008

        2007 Fee:    $8,800        2008 Fee:    $9,000

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