Ternyata lebih keras lagi
    List of automatic GEOFON earthquake locations  This bulletin is a product 
of the GEOFON Extended Virtual Network (GEVN) and credit belongs to all 
involved institutions!
  Disclaimer: Unless revised by a geophysicist, automatically determined 
earthquake locations may be erroneous! The information on this page is provided 
for scientific use only and must not be disseminated to third parties.
  This page was generated at 2007/09/13 04:02:11 GMT and is also available as 
real-time RSS news feed
    New search       Legend 
            Origin Time (GMT)   Magnitude  Hypocenter   Type   Region Name     
Lat.  Lon.  Depth       2007-09-13 03:35:29.0  7.2  M  2.11 S  99.60 E  10  A  
Southern Sumatra, Indonesia    2007-09-13 03:03:25.1  5.0  ML  1.84 S  99.67 E  
69  A  Southern Sumatra, Indonesia    2007-09-13 02:51:43.9  5.7  ML  1.66 S  
100.03 E  87  A  Southern Sumatra, Indonesia    2007-09-13 02:30:07.6  6.3  M  
1.49 S  99.58 E  42  A  Southern Sumatra, Indonesia    2007-09-13 01:55:53.6  
5.3  ML  3.80 S  101.44 E  55  A  Southern Sumatra, Indonesia    2007-09-13 
01:49:15.2  5.6  ML  2.58 S  99.24 E  86  A  Southern Sumatra, Indonesia    
2007-09-13 01:38:17.7  5.5  ML  1.46 S  99.93 E  78  A  Southern Sumatra, 
Indonesia    2007-09-13 01:26:38.0  6.4  ML  1.88 S  99.70 E  21  A  Southern 
Sumatra, Indonesia    2007-09-13 00:31:54.5  5.7  ML  2.50 S  100.50 E  114  A  
Southern Sumatra, Indonesia    2007-09-12 23:49:05.2  8.0  M  2.64 S  100.68 E  
28  A  Southern Sumatra, Indonesia    2007-09-12
 23:19:49.0  5.4  ML  3.98 S  100.86 E  10  A  Southern Sumatra, Indonesia    
2007-09-12 22:17:29.4  5.4  ML  2.64 S  100.76 E  87  A  Southern Sumatra, 
Indonesia    2007-09-12 22:02:25.8  5.4  ML  4.62 S  101.07 E  10  A  Southern 
Sumatra, Indonesia

Zorion_Anas se,mm,ckm,cidd,cf
Cel. No. : 0816.85.79.39
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