Dear Civil Engineer

 For Road / Highway Engineer who has experiences in design & supervision of
highway project and intends working as expatriate in Kuwait, there is an
opportunity to work there via INCO

 INCO is a consultant who had involved in design & supervision of PASUPATI
elevated road and bridge project in Bandung funding by Kuwait Fund

 THP is negotiable

If you have any query, please don't hesitate to contact Mr. Arif Sutarli or

Below is they email to me

 Thank you and best regards

Arif Sutarli


*Dear Mr. Arif Sutarli,
pt INDEC internusa<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>*
*I hope that everything is going well with you and INDEC.

We would like to inform you that we are looking for some freelance Road
Engineers for design and supervision stage for one of the road project in
Kuwait with minimum 10 - 12 years experience in the related field.  The
salary range will be US$ 2500 to US$3000 per month (inclusive).

We would appreciate it if you could assist in finding such Road Engineers
and send us the detailed CVs for our review.

Your kind urgent action would be highly appreciated.

Best Regards

Managing Director

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